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Season 5 Wrap Up.mp4

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Luis Nov

You know, I’ve never thought about it but you’re right, they were making Hook and Emma more like Snow and David, even in the mid season finale Emma says “I will always find you” which I didn’t like at all! (Yes, Emma and Hook were the main canon ship from the show) I agree with what you said about the missing opportunities this season had, specially because how it started with Emma being badass and heartless, it really made your expectations higher than it ended up to be. I was loving it how the flashbacks and the “present” played out (and I did loved the plot twist of Hook being a dark one) but after the reveal it went downside, did not liked the mid season finale but I was soooo hyped about the next arc, cause I had the feeling that Hades will pop out. That was because, Im a fanfic writer and I started to do it with the show after I watched the frozen arc and didnt liked (than in a re watch I ended up loving it) and he was a part of my stories, so, I was definitely hyped. But after I watched it and was following your reactions I was kind of surprised that people liked the second arc (which I dont). Everyone was like “its so good” and I respect that but for me was so disappointing first because all the missing opportunities with all the characters down there (that they did showed) and even more so because how easy a lot of characters moved on, did not liked that. That aside, Hades was great, he’s my favorite villain from a disney movie, and I loved the contrast he had with his “original” character, even if I did not liked her romance with Zelena. I feel like you regarding the shippings, It’s odd since its a “true love” centric kind of show but I never really mind any of them, I love the show for the individual characters and the non romantic relationships that it has. Anyway, this season could have been the best so far and with very little fixes here and there. I don’r remember if I commented this before but, it was odd that this whole season was because of Emma and yet she was on the side (or at least I felt like she was) Season 6 its on!!! Haven’t watch it again (apart from specific episodes) since I first watched, so Im excited to get into it again. Wont leave an opinion about it but yeah, Im excited about it. Awesome insight into this season, See you in the premiere 🙌🏻


I agree! With small changes season 5 could have been the absolute best season. An evil emma in the first half, and all their past demons in the second half. But it seems all they wanted was to push the captainswan narrative really hard, and then tease us with Pan, cora, cruella, milah, blind witch etc., but never actually give them satisfying arcs. Which is a shame because these two arcs had the most potential.

lori beynon

It was beyond me how they killed Merlin and then we didn’t see him in the Underworld straight after? Like... what?!

lori beynon

I don’t ship captain swan either ... it’s not interesting lol. And I don’t get why Mulan and Ruby didn’t get together as they had that time together exploring Oz so it could’ve been written that they fell in love over that time not over the course of a day like Ruby and Dorothy


I feel like one thing I would have changed about the first half of the season is have the story play out chronologically. The reason why I think season 1 was a good season was because it had that dramatic irony (when the audience knows something that the characters don’t) throughout the entire season. We knew that Henry’s stories were right! We knew that Regina was being multiplicative because we knew that she was the Evil Queen. However, in this arc, everything came as a shock and surprising, which can be good, if executed amazingly. So as the audience, it felt like we didn’t know anything that actually happened in Camelot and when we find out what actually happened, like Emma turning Hook into a dark one, we’re just like.. that’s it? If perhaps we knew that before, maybe it would’ve played differently and then the reveal would have been a lot more interesting because all the other characters would have been learning about Emma’s secrets. It would have been fun to have everyone guess Emma’s secrets as if the audience already knew the secrets. But we were just as lost as the other characters were. Like in Season 1, we knew The Evil Queen’s secret and we knew that everyone else was cursed. We knew all this. So when the curse breaks and everyone remembers, it’s wholesome because they finally figured it out, they revealed the secret amongst the characters in the show. Good over evil. This arc seemed to go the same route but it was all for love. Emma never really succumbed to the darkness as Rumple did when he immediately became the Dark One. Which I guess could be symbolic because she’s the savior, but I think that they needed to take the risk and actually destroy the darkness. They gave the power right back to Rumple. which is what i hate. i hate when TV shows will take such a risk but then undo all of it. It was a risk to make Emma the Dark One, but they just undid it. That is what I hate. Stick to it! Take the risk! The Savior saving all of mankind from the darkness ingrained by the power of the Dark One. She could’ve been the last Dark One ever (and go down and make history) and destroy the power of the Dark One. That would have been symbolic and a better story than her love life with Hook (as well as destroying Regina’s love life). This show does Regina so dirty.


I agree that something more permanent should have happened with emma being the dark one!! that being said, I am glad they didnt do what u said cuz (MILD-SPOILER) i adore rumples arc in season 7.

Luis Nov

Totally, if they took the big risk on that, the should have done it more meaningful and lasting


exactly! so weird that they chose to fabricate a new adult character so that Ruby could be gay. Almost as if Mulan wasnt allowed to be happy with anyone. The only reasons I could see why they would make dorothy the love interest would be they needed to tie it into Zelenas storyline, or because they just hate Mulan.