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Last Rites - Full Version.mp4

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Amber sanchez

There is more left in season 5, two more episodes. I never understood how the writers were like let's kill Hook and Robin and only bring Hook back. I agree I like when Once isn't so romance centered, especially with Emma. It takes up quite a bit of her storyline. The last two episodes of this season are quite good and then Season 6, has some interesting twists. (I did laugh when you called the Olympian crystal a glo-stick. LOL.)

Bazil Hasan

Great reaction! I agree with your comment on the romantic storylines. The show does best when it's focusing on non-romantic storylines/relationships (other than Snowing but they're super cute so they don't count). It will also never not be entertaining to see your fierce hatred for Arthur lol

Paul Fisher

I agree with these comments. Season 5 (and some early parts of Season 6) always seemed to me to have the weakest writing. I especially disliked how they kept going back-and-forth in their depiction of Rumple.

Luis Nov

Over all, I liked this episode just by the fact that they killed Hades and Arthur in the same one (even when they tried to redeem Arthur), so yay for that. That aside, a lot of people likes this half better than the first one (and it is more interesting) but I cant stand how easy they redeemed a lot of villains with just one act, not into that, Im glad Arthur didnt move on but still, at the end was like “yeah we’re good, I’ll just stay and rule here” It feels odd cause pretty much season 5 was done by Emma’s actions and yet she didn’t felt like the protagonist of this stories, but will see how s5 wraps up (cant wait to hear your thoughts on that one). This 2 episodes are far more interesting that you might think. And talking about Robin, I just feel like the show didn’t know how to mix Robin into the story line, which is true for a lot of non-magic characters even Snow and David feels to a part of the stories sometimes. Anyway, great reaction, see you in the next one 🙌🏻


rip Robin 🥺 Regina can never catch a break! I want her to be happy! Roland is an orphan now :( Cant wait for the final 2! I can also agree with you a say that Season 5 is my least favorite of all. Not to say it was a bad season, but I think they did a lot better in past seasons. I’m so excited!!


the last two episodes of this season (2hr finale) set up a fun little return to form for season 6, so i’m excited for u to get to those!


I also agree with Luis that these final 2 episodes are so much more interesting than really anything weve seen this season thus far.

Lily Harvey

Oh no you’re almost at season 6, which is the worst season imo. I’ll be interested to see how you feel about it, because so far, my feelings and opinions about the show have pretty much been the same as yours.


I really dont think killing robin should have worked…. Didn’t rumple take his heart so his actions from then on weren’t his own…. And it’s shown that a heart is needed for any spell or magic object to work on a personal really it shouldn’t have took since his heart wasn’t in him and I don’t remember seeing rumple put it back