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Journey Into Mystery - Full Version.mp4

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Algor Langeaux

My $.02 on shipping Loki and Sylvie... if masturbation is really just sex with someone you love, I say go for it. Your mileage may vary.

Luis Nov

There is a few easter eggs in this episode, not spoilers and if you likei can tell you over Discord if you want to… The way I screamed at Mobius and they hug at the end 😭 Not that Im into Sylvie and Loki being i love but I found it cute the way Loki used the “its cold” move 😂 And no, theres not only Lokis there, basically every timeline they “reset” goes there I want one who cares of me like Kid Loki cares about Crocki 😔 I was kind of hoping all Lokis fighting, we still got Classic Loki, and Im really really hoping he isn’t dead 😭 Anyway, Im excited for the finale and quite excited because after Loki (if I remember correctly) you’ll be starting the boys 🥳 I was almost forgetting my mandatory praise to the epic sound track, chills…. everytime 🙌🏻


I still appreciate how these MCU series are quite nearly, or are movie quality. I never doubted we were going to see Mobius again. The Loki/Sylvie thing is a little awkward, for sure.


I'm not convinced Classic Loki is gone. He revealed how he escaped Thanos; who's to say he didn't manage another perfect illusion? Love how he was laughing in the face of possible fatality and the Ride of the Valkyries was his theme song. Really a great scene. That ship that appeared is a ship from the Philadelphia Experiment where in WWII, I believe, it was rumored we had developed the capability of invisibility. I prefer to see Loki and Sylvie as 2 parts of a whole; the ying and yang, the Lord and the Lady. However this finale plays out, they are in it together. This episode really pulled at my heartstrings. Loki earnestly trying to stir up the little band of variants to kill the "angry cloud" ( Mobius' words and I adored them) until his actions convinced them to get him to alioth though once accomplished Loki was on his own. Young Loki giving him his sword and our Loki experiencing a number of feelings he wasn't too familiar with when he accepted the gift. I was tearing up when he and Moebius said their good byes. I have such mixed feelings about this last 😪 episode. It can't possibly be over this soon/and I can't wait to see the reveal/and knowing the Multiverse of Madness is coming I fear how this finale might open the door to it all. 😳 (Does anyone else desperately want an emoji of Miss Minutes?!) Now I'm off to read all the debates about who the real villian will turn out to be. Thank the gods Wednesday is only 2 days away. Of course I will sink into a well of deep depression once the last note has played during the credits...