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The Alamo - Full Version.mp4

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That was fun to watch. I know I saw most of season one but I didn’t remember any of this at all. I thought it was funny when they talked about writing the letter that leads to the creation of Texas and you told them just to write anything that you could live elsewhere.😂

Paul Fisher

Those not familiar with Texas or Mexican history may not have noticed that the Texian flag shown in the episode looked like the Mexican flag but bore the numbers "1824" in place of the imperial eagle of the Mexican flag. The flag was a reference to the Mexican Constitution of 1824, which established Mexico as a republic. Santa Anna abolished that constitution when he declared himself dictator. At the time the siege of the Alamo began, Texas had not yet declared independence and the rebellion began as an attempt to restore the 1824 constitution, but it quickly evolved into a movement for independence. Similar revolts against the rule of Santa Anna took place in other parts of Mexico, such as Zacatecas, but only the Texas revolution succeeded.