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Death's Door - Full Version.mp4

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Sharon Owen

I was scared to watch this reaction... I hope you're doing ok Shelley! It's the toughest death to deal with, we all love Bobby! We all want to kill Dick with that smarmy smile! If we didn't before, we definitely do now!

Linda Moore

Sending you big hugs, Shelley!! You made it through this heart-shattering episode. 💔🤗 Losing Bobby was devastating as a fan, for sure. But I agree, this was an absolutely beautiful episode. I feel like they gave him one of the best send offs. Showing his life, how much he loved the boys, claiming them (rightfully) as "his boys", having his last memory be just a normal, peaceful evening with the boys bickering with each other as usual - those moments were perfect and beautiful. Having the reaper reassure Bobby that he has done enough, that he deserves his rest, it was just so well written. This episode kills for sure, but re-watching it a few times now (took me a while too) has let me see all the little details that are so, so well done. The script was wonderful and it was beautifully executed by the cast and crew. Thank YOU for going through this journey with us. It's really amazing to watch someone go through and process the same love and heartbreak the show gave us! Big, big hugs!! P.S. My July request video is fun and upbeat, if you need a pick-me-up. 😊💓

Linda Moore

Also, I think, much like John had in "In My Time of Dying", I'm sure Bobby and the boys also have fake insurance with a fake identity. Otherwise, yes, I imagine they would have tossed him. I got the feeling we were supposed to think that the organ guy was maybe just a little over-zealous in his desire to do good. My reaction to Dean in that scene was identical to yours. I was telling that little dude to RUN away from him. 😬😧


So sorry this was so hard for you. It sucked for me too, but it was a while ago for me at least. Before I forget - I'm pretty sure Bobby didn't cheat on his wife. I think when she said he broke her heart it was him not wanting to have kids and not budging on that. And not telling her that before they got married. Bobby and the boys do have insurance - of a sort. They've been in the hospital plenty of times over the years. I'm not sure how they do it, but they do have some way of getting insurance.


I put this one off until now because I was so so scared of your reaction. And you made me cry 😭 I’ve seen this episode multiple times with multiple reactors lately, so I know it by heart. My broken, shattered heart. Know that you’re not alone, and that no matter how many times I see this episode, it breaks me still. 💔


I paused after your "f you" to those who support the 2nd amendment. I bought a pint of ice cream to watch this because I knew I'd cry along with you while watching this episode, but perhaps I should just unsubscribe and walk away. I support the 2nd amendment. A gun saved my mom's and older siblings' lives when a man broke into my mom's house before I was born. My mom had a gun under the mattress and bullets nearby. She had the gun pointed at the door when he walked in her bedroom and the man ran. My oldest sister unfortunately didn't have a gun when a man broke into her apartment and raped her one night. I have a gun in a safe in my bedroom closet because my husband works 3rd shift and I want at least some kind of fighting chance to protect myself and our kids if someone tries to break in to our house. My gun won't shoot itself. It's not evil. It's an inanimate object. I'm not a raging conservative or a far left liberal. I'm pretty much a centrist fwiw. I do think we need stricter gun control laws, but I still believe in the second amendment. So, with that said I'm going to go ahead and watch your reaction and no doubt sob my eyes out because this episode hurts like hell and I hate watching other reactors have to suffer through the pain. If you want me to unsubscribe here and on YT after you read my comment, then I will (I'd be crushed but would leave if asked). I hope though that we can agree to disagree. 🙂 Just needed to get that off my chest because the F You did feel personal and hurt a little bit. Edit: Just finished and cried a bucket of tears with you. As hard as this episode is I do think that the show did a wonderful job showing just how much Bobby really was Sam and Dean's adopted father and had been for a very long time. He was so proud of them and loved them so much. 😭 It makes it hurt so much more to watch him die. It was lovely to see Rufus again and have him serve as Bobby's partner on his last journey. Overall, this is my favorite episode of season 7 even though it hurts the most. Hugs to you for making it through the episode. This one will sting for awhile.


Great episode(probably the best of season 7, imo), but also, a very sad one.


This episode breaks my heart! Finding out Bobby was abused as a kid, and killed his Father to stop it, and his Mother was a bitch about it. I can understand her being freaked out and panicking, but he did save her. Seeing how much he loves his boys too. Stating he adopted them, and how proud he is of them and gah! Imagine if he'd had a kid with Karen! That kid would've been besties with the boys! But I feel awful for Karen with the whole kids thing. I understand Bobby, he never meant to hurt her, and he was traumatised from his own Dad. But I just feel so bad for her because she said that he knew she wanted kids, which means she'd mentioned it before, and he must've said things like "One day." or SOMETHING to give her the impression he was up for it, then he broke her heart by telling her he didn't want them. Only for her to get possessed days later and for him to have to stab her to death. That's just awful. His story is so damn sad! And the boys' coping. Dean not being willing to accept the possibility that Bobby might die, while Sam is forcing himself to face it. His "Because it's real" is honestly heartbreaking, because he's been struggling with what's real and what's not lately, and so he kinda has to focus on what's actually real. Plus, that moment where he presses his scar on his hand. There are two reasons he could've done that. One being the obvious, that Lucifer showed up and was bothering him. And the other being, well, that he was hoping the whole situation was just another hallucination and that he'd press the scar and he'd snap outta it and Bobby would be perfectly fine. Both are heartbreaking! :'( Loved seeing Rufus again. Even if it was Bobby's death episode... :'(


This is the first time I’ve rewatched this episode. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it before.. it hurt too bad. I still cried all the way through it.😢😢😢


Watching these last couple of reactions regarding Bobby absolutely broke my heart and when I first watched it, my reaction was identical to yours right up until the very end, I thought he would pull something off. Ever since you started saying “Nothing better happen to Bobby” several seasons ago, I was dreading this…