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Big Sky - Pilot.mp4

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Haha I have The whole season saved on my DVR to watch. I might as well watch the first episode here!


Thanks for watching this one. I hoped you would. I don't know of anyone doing reactions to it. It gets better from here. The pilot was just to set things up. Characters, some back story, etc. I really like this show. If I don't request more episodes, I suggest you watch it on your own. I also don't know why she slept with her cheating husband. She really loves him, but seems like they aren't good for each other. Won't need to worry about that anymore. The ending caught me by surprise, just like you. I did not expect it. That really peaked my interest to watch more, right there.


You should watch it. It's the first show that had me anxious for the next episode since SPN ended. I think it's really good.