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Devil's Due - Full Version.mp4

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Luis Nov

* cough * bullshit * cough * Hahaha same. It’s nice for a change see a deal backfire to Rumple, shame that he’s not the only one who have to pay the price and I agreed, Belle deserves better 😔 I don’t mind Milah, but the line “you’ve been with my former lover… and my son” its such an iconic line, it really showcase how weird that show could be… Great reaction, see you in the next one ✌🏻


Good episode - one of the best in this season in my opinion. But it does remind me of the writers’ biggest mistake in the whole show in my opinion - killing off Neal. His and Rumple’s relationship was the catalyst for the Curse and everything that’s even still happening in the show. There was so much more to mine from their relationship and it’s the reason we wanted Rumple to succeed and grow as a character. I would’ve preferred Emma with Neal, but I do like her with Hook. But they could’ve still done the latter ship and kept Neal alive with his own storylines.