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Meet the New Boss - Full Version.mp4

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Cas told crowley he would get rid of hell but he needs it to keep michael & lucifer in the cage, the cage is in hell, if hell no longer exists michael & lucifer would be out & free, this show makes me question my morals on a daily basis coz like in theory i should be not okay with what godstiel was doing but like his first actions as a god were killing punch of rafael following angels who wanted to put the apocalypse back on the board, kill a homophobic priest who's preaching hate & telling him that he's indifferent to sexual orientation, killing some corrupt politicians, healing people, giving money to the homeless, like i get that no one should have that much power but also 👀, godstiel still had some cas in him but the power is making him too prideful & of course we only get cas back for a minute before we lose him again 😭, great reaction, shelley 👏

Amye Sabin

I can't blame Dean. He's protecting himself. He's always protected the few family he has, and when Cas betrayed him by breaking Sam's wall and not listening to everyone, Dean hardened his heart to protect himself. BTW he's called Godstiel in the fandom.