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Frontierland - Full Version.mp4

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Nicole Garver

My favorite part of this episode is how we follow the Colt being tied to the Elkins family. Daniel Elkins had it when we first learn about it and Vampires, he was also the man that Dean stole the gun from in the first time travel episode. And finally we find out that the Bar Owner was an ancestor who probably picked the gun up from where Dean dropped it. This layered storytelling has always been such a big part of the show and I love it.

éléonore Haas

Dean and his love of Star trek and of cowboys: what a dork! I love him. I also enjoyed all of the Bobby and Cas'interactions: from Bobby nodding in Sam's direction to signal to Cas that Sam wouldn't get what Cas was talking about, not like him, to the full of innuendos "let me touch it" scene. I'm more of a Bobby/Rufus, Bobby/Crowley and Bobby/Jody shipper, but I think Cas and Bobby would make for a good if unexpected (which would make it even better) pairing. They would be unstoppable, full of snark, sweet and hilarious. Imagine Dean and Sam's reaction if that happened. Another thing: it's the first time I've catched Bobby talking about not letting Sam and Dean in Deadwood (the western tv show drama where Jim Beaver played one of the main characters). Nice reference. Also, I liked Rachel, she was a bit snippy but it was nice to have someone standing up for Cas and to remind Dean in particular that Cas was leading an army in a war that was currently happening (and, it can't be stressed enough even if she didn't point it: a war made only to protect humanity from a new Apocalypse), but I'm sad she tried to kill Cas and that he killed her. LET... CAS... KEEP... HIS... ANGELS FRIENDS! Wasn't losing Anna enough? It's a fun/sad episode. I don't understand why the phoenix doesn't leave ash each time he "died". Isn't a phoenix supposed to rebirth from their ashes. Why did they have to kill him for real?