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My Heart Will Go On - Full Version.mp4

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when you said "i don't know if im being queer baited" GURL THE WHEEZE I LET OUT 😭😭😭😭😭 supernatural is infamous for doing it as well as a lot of other CW shows. when it comes to castiels gender or sexuality, im not sure you can really pinpoint either as he could be anything and into anyone. im so excited to see your reaction to 6.20 !! its the best episode of the season imo and one of the best episodes in general. also interested how you're gonna react to the next season as there's so many mixed reviews and it's most peoples least favourite season, even more so than season 6 which now rewatching it with you doesn't actually seem as bad as when i watched it for the first and second and third time haha


Oh man!! You turned away from the screen when the guy got hit by the bus and missed the priceless looks on Dean and Sam’s faces. Hopefully you caught it during editing. I’m also surprised you didn’t say anything when Sam and Dean get into a Mustang instead of the Impala. The first time I saw this, I was like WTF??? I’m with you, I would’ve loved Bobby and Ellen and wonder if Kripke would’ve kept Ellen and Jo around if he knew the show wasn’t going to end at S5.