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The French Mistake - Full Version.mp4

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éléonore Haas

Thank you for your reaction, it was, as per usual, everything I could have hopped for. A lot of good (deserving) things have already been said about this episode and I think the other commenters have explained everything quite well, so I'm gonna speak of a less palatable aspect of the episode that I do love a lot (I'm a fan of Xena, so I'm used to the metaness of it all) but after many rewatches, I'm starting to see more cracks: the way Dean and Sam completly ignore the fact that they're taking over two real people's lives. Not one second do they think about the consequences of their actions and the way it will affect this Jensen and this Jared when they come back to their world. It's all well to make a grand gesture about quiting your job, but it's not your job to quite in the first place. Worst is Dean asking Sam if he would like to take over their lives permenantly and Sam not even objecting on the ground that they would be stealing two other people's lives but simply on the fact that Dean and him wouldn't be brothers here. I couldn't "aww" at that moment. Even worst is the whole Gen thing. Did Sam slept with her? If he had stayed for good, I'm pretty sure he would have at some point. It's rape by deception, clear and simple. The question is if it's in character or not? If it is, it's a nice show of the duality of selfishness and selflessness that coexist in our two heroes. Food for thought.


I love this episode soooo much!! SPN does the meta episodes so well!😂 It’s even better on rewatches—so you can catch all the little easter eggs you may have missed on first watch. I especially like when they are in jensen’s trailer and it’s showing sam and dean acting on the big screen in the back and the camera zooms in on their faces as each of them wink directly at the camera lol.. kind of a nod to how the episode is all in fun. Plus poking fun at Misha (who I adore!) and the fact that he tweets all the time. Fun fact—Misha actually tweeted those things on his real account as the episode aired.😂🤣😁