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Appointment in Samarra - Full Version.mp4

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Buck Nero

"Why do people not like Season 6?" I'll throw my 2 cents in on this one. I think it's because of the slower start to Season 6. I mean remember we did just get a Multi Season story arc involving The Devil, Archangels and what was going to be an ending to the series in a sense. I got to give credit to the Writers for this Season though. They had an impossible task to follow up the Apocalypse. They sort of had to reset the stakes in a sense. And how they've built everything up to this point has been awesome. I enjoy this Season more and more everytime I watch it and It's also legit become my favorite Season to watch people react to. There are so many cool mysteries and things to ponder, and we're only halfway through. I really loved this episode Freddy Krueger and Death in the Same episode, cannot fail haha! Thanks Shelley, another excellent reaction!

Steve Quast

I mean....who else could help with the Sam situation but Freddy Kruger? How did we not see this coming? lol

Daniel Lewis

I remember back in the day season 6 not being liked much but I've always thought it was a really good season and it seems that people over time have come to really like and appreciate what a good season it is.

rose mnor

I agree with you. The slow start to the season, the slow reveal of what is wrong with Sam, to the eventual return of his soul. Supernatural is a favorite because of the brothers’ bond between Sam and Dean, and we just spent half a season, the whole half-season went without the second half of this bond, which is a primary reason for what makes Supernatural the series worked so well.

rose mnor

Great reaction, Shelley, I knew you are going to like this episode. And questions that you raised are on point, and there are some serious sh*t coming. This was the mid-season finale, and as per normal Supernatural fashion, finales and cliff-hanger go hand in hand and are par for the course. It was excruciating waiting for nearly two months to see the original Sam back, but at what expense? It has been too long already without seeing the Sam that we loved. And the girl reaper’s name is Tessa. Back in the day, they likened this season to “film noir” and I googled, the meaning of film noir is a style of filmmaking characterized by such elements as cynical heroes, stark lighting effects, frequent use of flashbacks, intricate plots, and underlying existentialist philosophy. And this episode certainly does justice by bringing forth those dark undertones. And we barely touch on what the values of the soul are in this universe yet. I bet you are going to love those dark episodes. “Don’t scratch the wall” is like a movie tagline for the back half batch of this season. For what it’s worth, I kinda put the blame on Sam and Bobby for letting Sam be soulless for so long. If they had come for Dean immediately instead of keeping Dean in the dark when Sam returned from the dead, Dean would have immediately known, as we have been shown, that something was terribly wrong with Sam. And Dean would not rest until he discovered the reason. From Superwiki the title is a reference to an old Middle Eastern story: a Baghdad merchant sends his servant to the marketplace; in a little, while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, "Master, just now when I was in the marketplace I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Death that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture, now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Samarra and there Death will not find me." The merchant sends the servant off to hide in Samarra, then goes to the market to talk to Death. He asked, "Why did you make threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning?" That was not a threatening gesture, Death said, it was only a start of surprise. "I was astonished to see him in Baghdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra."

Luis Nov

I was one of those who wasnt the biggest fan of this season but by rewatching it damn if it is good! I guess I missed out the center of this season which is the souls, but this is one of my fav seasons, cant wait for the second part of the season PS; in 3 or so weeks we’ll have episode 15! 🙌🏻


I know you are not watching any of the conventions or the behind the scenes stuff, so here is a nice anecdote posted by the actor who played the convenience store owner that shot the robber. It just gives a nice flavor of what a great guy Jensen is. “My part was so small that I didn’t even have a name.  But the cool part is that Jensen called me and another actor by our real names while going over the scene.  This may seem insignificant at first, but to actors, this is quite remarkable because you will rarely see the star of a regular series—who meets minor actors all day every week—know anyone’s names if they’re not a series regular.  Hell, I’ve had directors who didn’t know my name.  There is no practical reason for him to know our names if it’s only for a few hours.  They usually just go, “Okay, so you have to—” and so on.  During rehearsals, Jensen came up to me, called me by my first name (and he didn’t have a script in his hand to refer to), and gave me some great pointers.   He did the same for the other actor.  After we shot the scene, on our way back to our trailers, the other actor quietly remarked to me how amazed he was that Jensen had known both our names. We talked to some crew members about it and they all went on about how down to earth, humble, and grateful Jensen was to have a series.  When I told my girlfriend about it, she fell in love with him a little bit, so now a part of me hates him, too.  (Kidding!) “


I really love 80% of season 6. Ditto what others said. With the awkwardness of the brother bond, no big bad like Lucifer, and Cas off working on heaven’s issues, this just didn’t feel the like the same show. But in hindsight, it is all very cool. So the first half wraps with Sam getting his soul back, and then we get Death’s cryptic “It’s about the souls. You’ll understand when you need to.” So now we’ve got another mystery that will take its time to play out. It will be fun to see if you will be able to decipher anything along the way. P.S. Your black cat is just as adorable as can be.

Amye Sabin

We're finishing up a 6month binge watch this week (waaahhh!) and I initially didn't like S6, but now re-watching it with Shelley I'm seeing things in hindsight that I didn't realize. In other words, I'm seeing the bigger picture now.

Helen Wood

Benjamin Braeden is Lisa's son.


I actually love season 6 and love it more with each re-watch. I guess when I first watched it when it aired maybe it seemed a little slow but I didn’t necessarily dislike it at the time either. It does get a lot of hate though which I’ve never completely understood. Also, I don’t think Sam is evil for wanting to kill Bobby. It’s just self-preservation without any conscience in the mix.

Daniel Lewis

So excited for episode 15 especially as I know Shelley will find it so hilarious. Since season 6 begun been thinking of how fun episode 15 is gonna be 🥳

Jeffrey Mlinek

Season 6 is underrated and a lot of that is to do with the mystery. I think it is better on the rewatch and I catch new things each time I rewatch season 6.