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Caged Heat - Full Version.mp4

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Steve Quast

This is a really great episode. There's a lot that happens and we get so much. We get Cas, we get to see Meg again (and for once she's actually likable) and although we get Crowley, it sucks losing him at the end. He's a great character. Regarding Castiel's comments about retrieving Sam's soul, his argument really doesn't make any sense. Sam, the REAL Sam, is in Lucifer's cage with the Devil and Michael. Sam IS suffering torment as we speak. A major part of getting his soul back is for his suffering to STOP. For some reason Cas shows more concern for Sam T1000 than the soul itself. So even though Dean is presented as having the emotional response (and who can blame him), he's also right. We need to rescue the real Sam. And while Terminator Sam was amazing this episode (have to admit, it's cool seeing the way he works things out), he's not the character we know and love. He's just a mind and a body who's lost his humanity. And why does Cas care about what happens to him anyway? After all, he just threatened to kill him lol. Anyway, great episode and great reaction.

Melody Dia

I had to have the kiss thing pointed out to me as well. Apparently she was trying to throw him off guard so she could steal his Angel Blade. She just didn't expect Cas to kiss back. Which is why she was so confused afterwards... or so I've been told.

rose mnor

I agree with you. Meg distracts Cas with a kiss to steal his angel blade, and Cas immediately figures that since Meg is willing, he's gonna practice his newly acquired skillset from his earlier tv observations on her. IMO there's no sexual component to what happens as far as I can see, except on Meg's side, but even then it's a carefully constructed move against Cas. Having said that, Rachel and Misha do have amazing actor chemistry. If I am not mistaken, Rachel said the lift and twist to the wall are all Misha's, as Rachel has already had limited mobility due to multiple sclerosis, though it was not widely known at this time.

Linda Moore

Loved your reaction as always!! Yes, Meg used her kiss as a way to steal Cas' angel blade, she was definitely not expecting his response! But I guess he wanted to try out the Pizza Man's moves! 😂 One little note, the episode is actually called, "Caged Heat" not "Caged Heart". 😊 I can't wait for your next reaction - they always make my day! ❤

Buck Nero

Loved this episode. I always saw Jenson as the naturally stronger actor, but man. This Season has been some of Jared Padaleckis best work so far. Just killing it as Soulless Sam. A lot of people seem confused as to why Meg could hurt Crowley when she did. I think it's because Crowley was in a Devils Trap, which made him vulnerable. Can't wait for the next one, oh boy. Thanks Shelley!

Brenda Lewis

This is a great episode, it had everything. There was funny stuff and danger. Everybody is telling Sam he doesn't want that soul now. I don't know if he should. I know one thing Dean's probably not going to stop so I don't know how that will turn out.

Luis Nov

Oh the glorious pizza man scene, Never gets old. I know everyone thinks Meg was just playing Cas for his blade, but I think she felt a little something since “Abandon all hope” when the pipe pushed her over Cas arms she was a bit shocked, like he has some nerve. Anyway, poor Cas just wanted to understand the pizza man... PS: you know is a great writing when you get both sides, either if Sam or Dean are right you just understand both sides and fear the outcome of that, no matter which one would be.


I never thought of Meg as more powerful than Crowley. She is more powerful than your average demon, but she is quite scared of him and I don’t think it is just because he has an army of demons at his disposal. The only “more powerful” thing I think we’ve seen from her is that she can go in hollowed ground (1x21 I think, when she killed Pastor Jim).


Yes! Not knowing what is the right next move, adds so much tension. Not fun for them, but exciting for us.

rose mnor

Don't know why my comments keep disappearing after I closed the page, and I have to repost again. Apologies if this appears more than once to anyone else. Well, this episode has left everyone in a worse place than they were before. I don't think Sam was really wanting his soul back even before this episode but now he's definitely determined to have no part of it. Sam was scary in this episode. Not just the demon seal with the creepy smile full of blood. He is a danger and a threat to anyone that doesn't match his logic. He's already proven that he's not to be trusted because he let Dean be vamped right in front of him for the mission, and using Bobby John as bait to lure the alpha shapeshifter. Sam might be logical and a better hunter but he's also more ruthless and crueler. Would it be better for Dean to let Sam possibly end up murdering an innocent because Sam decided it was logical? But I think that RoboSam has a point that needs to be acknowledged: if getting his soul back means he dies or suffers horribly, why should he be forced to get it back? IMO the show does a good job of giving us the answer (Dean getting vamped, using babies as bait). Yea, I am completely pro shoving-the-soul-back-into-Sammy and deal with the consequences later. RoboSam is a jerk to Cas. Cas was similarly scary because he replied with a bit of arrogance and un-human-like that we rarely see in him. Regular Sam would have used emotional reasoning to convince Cas to work with them, would have pushed the ‘you owe me’ angle harder – Soulless Sam instead gives an ultimatum of ‘work with us or I will find a way to kill you.’ Dean treats Cas like crap; Cas holds his own for a bit, but then eventually folds and does what Dean asks. Not the first time we've seen this. (Castiel: I'm in the middle of a civil war. Dean: You better tear the attic up, find something to help Sam. Castiel: Of course. Your problems always come first – S06E07 Family Matters). He's exhausted, pushed to the breaking point with his war. Dean's offer of help has become too little too late at this point. Cas admitted that he wasn’t doing so well and would rather be with the Winchesters. Sam and Dean, you both need massive smacks on the head.


Wow, no one has talked about Samuel! I hate that man with a passion and just love the scene where Dean says he is going to kill Samuel next time he sees him. Ooh Dean looked scary there. Samuel is on Dean’s shit list for sure. The porn and pizza man jokes are great. I also really love the demon in the beginning that tells Dean, “ I know you’re talking, because I can see your lips moving. But I can’t understand what you’re saying, because I don’t speak little bitch.“ I love my Dean, but that smack down is A+ 😂

Marta T

Great episode on so many levels. The conflict about Sam's soul... should they try to get it back or give up. For me there's no question. While I understand why RoboSam doesn't want it back I don't know why Cass is trying to stop Dean from getting his brother's soul back. I mean what possibly can be worse than spending eternity trapped with two angry archangels and being mentally and physically abused. In worse case he dies as human and then goes to heaven, seams better then eternity in cage. I hate to see Crowley gone. He's such great character plus Mark Sheppard is amazing actor. Jared is bringing his A+ acting this season as soulless Sam and I'm enjoying it so much, but I want my Sammy back.

Christopher simeon

Um I think you are cconfused. If Sam gets that soul then both “Sam” would be suffering and the side effects could be so bad that it would not be worth it if Sam is still suffering on earth in a different way. You would just lost this Souless Sam (while not great is also still Sam) for your benefit not Sam’s. Sam choose to be in the cage so him suffering is what he signed up for.

Steve Quast

I'm not confused in the least. Sam's soul is better off being freed than remaining trapped in the cage with Lucifer.