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Family Matters - Full Version.mp4

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Buck Nero

I absolutely loved this episode, lot's of great twists and revelations. The stuff about Purgatory and where monsters go when they die. Demons hunting monsters. What it means to have no soul, and Sams soul still being trapped in Lucifers cage. Tons of fascinating stuff to ponder. a Great episode to further setup future events

Steve Quast

This is a hell of an episode. We get some answers about Sam, we get appearances from Castiel and Crowley, we get to meet the alpha vampire (whom I really like), and we finally get a feel for what the season is really about. But, this is only the beginning, and we have a whole new set of questions that need to be answered.

Brenda Lewis

A great episode, yes a lot here is revealed. I love this Soulless Sam arc. It is such an interesting idea, and the idea brought home is as always with Supernatural, good and evil. Is the absence of good evil or is it nothing. That seems to be the case with Sam. Is your soul what makes you good? Interesting philosophical questions as Cas said. If you liked this turn of events I know you are going to love how this plays out.


That is a bit of a spoiler to say there is more to be revealed, as she would now be waiting for more reveals rather than being surprised when they happen. Maybe edit or delete that last sentence.


So happy we can now refer to him as Soulless Sam! At conventions, Jared has said that this was his favorite alt-Sam to play, even more than when he did Lucifer in S5. It is interesting to go back and watch the first episodes of he season, now knowing that he is Soulless. His reactions were always odd, and now we know why. I love Gwen and the Alpha Vamp. It would have been so cool to have a spin-off show with the Alpha Vamp. He is just menacingly cool. And Crowley now the King of Hell and searching for Purgatory. This episode is just amazing. So many new storylines between Purgatory, Soulless Sam, and deciding they have to kinda work for Crowley to try and get Sam’s soul back. I enjoy rewatching this season. There are a handful of episodes that aren’t their best, but overall I enjoy it.


Lol I interpreted the scene differently and that Cas was actually peeved and being sarcastic when he said "Of course, your problems always come first" to Dean. Like when Bobby blew up at Dean in Weekend at Bobby's about Sam and Dean thinking they're the center of the universe. I think Cas is frustrated with the boys giving him the third degree about not being at their beck and call or expecting him to drop everything to run errands for them while he's trying to fight a war. I also found it interesting that the Alpha Vamp was able to immediately accurately sense the fact that Sam had no soul but apparently angels can't(?) since Cas needed to reach into Sam's body to know it. Lots of world-building and plot crumbs dropped in this episode. This season gets a lot of flack but I loved it. Souls, purgatory, monsters, civil war. Lots of interesting things going on with a mysterious destination that I'm sure will knock your socks off once you get to the end and see where it all leads.


You’re the first reactor who let me know they caught the, “Hello, Newman,” that Dean says to Christian 🤣 Funniest line of the episode, which, yeah, not a comedic one. (Prob because only 5 reactors have made it this far, and they’re either in another country and/or too young to know any Seinfeld references.) I appreciate you! Soulless Sam is a tough hang for Dean, but I LOVE how Jared plays him. He just gets better, and if you rewatch 5.22 Swan Song, even then, when he stood under the streetlight watching Dean and Lisa through the window, he was already Soulless Sam 100%. Remarkable performance!