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Abandon All Hope - Full Version.mp4

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Helen Wood

This is the one episode I wish I could have warned you about, but I couldn't without spoiling you. This one makes me cry every time. I have that photo on my computer desk. They all feel like family to me. By the way, the burning of the photo was a symbolic hunter funeral, but remember Bobby has the negatives. I'm sure he printed other copies. Those two actresses are just so good, it all feels horribly real. They are very active in the Spn family and very much loved.


This episode was the crash after the high of last two episodes. Crowley remains one of my all time favourite character after Castiel. The actor Mark Sheppard has also done roles in battle star galactica, firefly, and white collar. Also, the 'kick it in the ass' line was meant as a tribute to Kim Manners who a a producer on the show. He died of cancer in 2009.


Welcome to one of the most tearful episodes of the show. Loved your reaction, I knew it would be emotional. I felt so bad at the beginning when you were so happy to see them, since I knew it was just going to end in tears. I have seen it so many times, yet Ellen’s reaction to Jo dying still got me in tears.

Mark Wood

I absolutely love this episode. Using Ellen and Jo was brilliant. The show has so few reoccurring characters of any emotional weight to really kill the audience and show how seriously the situation is. Which it absolutely is. Top 5 episode of all time for me. Easily. And While I don't love Jo, I don't dislike the character or the actress, she's not one of my absolute favorites. Outside of Sam and Dean Bobby and Ellen to this day remain my favorite characters, so while I thought they did the episode absolutely perfect, it's a double edge sword because I would have loved to get more of the actress and character.


You asked if Crowley (Mark Sheppard) was in the X-Files...and yes, indeed, he was! It was episode 1x12 - "Fire". He's been in DW, Trek, Firefly and a few other big sci-fi series. But I think he is most recognisable from SPN at this point. But this episode. SO GOOD. Everything in it, top to bottom was just epic. It still remains in my top 10 of the entire series. As to why this happened..? Kripke was leaving the show, and wrote this season with the intent of closing out his story and blowing it all up...literally. It was around this episode that the show was renewed for S6, and there was enough time to rework some of the episodes to prepare. Either way, it's an incredible piece of art that captured the bond between a mother and daughter in the most realistic and beautiful way. And I grieve for Ellen and Jo to this very day. HEROES.

Linda Moore

I actually majorly shipped Dean and Jo. I thought they would make a badass couple - just imagine them as part of a big Hunter family. Jo was one of my favourites. She has always been brave, ballsy and willing to fight. I thought she was an incredible partner for Dean. She stood up to him, didn't take his crap, but was still clearly in love with him. I just think they would have made a beautiful couple and it rips my heart out of my chest EVERYTIME I watch them say good bye to each other. The amount of "what if" tension in that brief moment just kills me. As a single mom to one daughter myself, I KNEW as soon as it became obvious that we were losing Jo, that we were going to lose Ellen too. I knew there was no way Ellen was going to leave Jo there to die by herself. Just no way. I LOVE and HATE this episode. Oh, btw, the reason this was such a "big" episode in the middle of the season is because it was the 100th episode, so they had to go big. :)


Ughhhhh, Shelley. I knew beyond the shadow of any doubt that you’d be a mess, and when YOU get emotional, so do I 😭. So I put off watching this one, because I’m *still* crying over the series finale! I’ve never watched this one without crying, and I didn’t today, either. Just bring on the pain and let the tears flow, because there is no getting around it in this show. FANTASTIC reaction.


I'm a bit behind in your videos. I need to catch up, but I think I know how you'll have reacted to this episode. With tears and anger, right? That's how I reacted to it.


i think would have come around on jo and dean if they decided to go that route. if only she had been in season 4, and we could have built up that relationship. what could have been...

Nancy Nicolai

So, if you google this episode😥 then you can download the picture they used for the episode and there's what I think is a better picture with them all smiling and laughing!👌

Kayla Waters

The two things I got from the ending discussion was: 1.) This episode should have been titled "You lost everything, and everything sucks". I was like, they did......... lol 2.) And you saying "She didn't even get to press the button!" just made me crack up for some reason. Not mocking you being upset, I've sobbed over this episode like 20 times, I guess misery just loves company. This was a great reaction, welcome to the pain that is part of being in the SPN family <3


Eric Kripke only planned for the show to be 5 seasons, so they killed Jo and Ellen to wrap up their story. The fans didn’t want it to end so they got S6 with a different show runner. Eric Kripke left after this season, but remained a consultant.