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The Real Ghostbusters - Full Version.mp4

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Jeffrey Mlinek

I always found it odd that this is the 3rd episode in a row that references STD's.


I love this ep. The two guys LARPing as Sam and Dean were hilarious, and Becky was insane again. BTW Shelley, I'm glad you enjoyed this ep because next one is very heavy!

Linda Moore

Not sure if you want to try and watch any convention stuff on YouTube, (there is a LOT!!) since I know you're trying not to have things spoiled, but if you check out any of the convention stuff, you'll see that the writers DEFINITELY love their fans. I think all their teasing is just that, jokes and ribbing. It's how the whole cast and crew are with each other, and since they all see the fandom as extended family, I think they include all of us in their teasing. So glad you liked the episode. It's a great one. :)

Daniel Lewis

This was a really fun ep but the next one is a really big emotional plot heavy episode and I can't wait.


The meta episodes are actually some of the fan favourites. Yes, they poke fun at fandome, but they are actually not above making fun of themselves as writers in the same way and thats egg making fun of fans isn’t offensive.

Helen Wood

About a week after filming this, Rob Benedict was at his first convention. He said he was more nervous than Chuck was, but was amazed by the love of the fans. He and his band, Louden Swain, perform at conventions now and he and Richard Speight Jr MC.

Jeffrey Mlinek

It seems like your natural inclination is to think offensive rather than fun.


oh no, am i being too sensitive? 🙄 seems like your inclination is to speak before understanding. you realize this is like telling a woman to smile, right?

Jeffrey Mlinek

Sorry if I came across as as too negative. I love your reactions and watching you discover your love for these characters is great. The entire supernatural team loves their fans and I just wanted to communicate that any ribbing is done by jest and the connection between fans and the show is truly unique. I could have definitely communicated this in a better way.


thanks for clarifying. gathering from comments i see that most fans take it in stride which is great, but you guys have a relationship with the supernatural team that i don’t. i am a little protective of how fans are portrayed because we get a bad rep in the media for the most part (sometimes rightfully so).

Jeffrey Mlinek

It can be easy to forget that you are experiencing it for the first time. The humor the cast even have with each other is like that and it can be a bit different at first. But I find it awesome. They really have so much fun with each other. It would be nice if you could watch an early spoiler free convention video.


Sorry I didn’t watch the prior episode early enough to suggest drinking for this episode. The next somewhat lighthearted one where drinking might enhance the experience is 5x12 Swap Meat. Otherwise the rest of the season is fairly serious. Here is a bit of a ramble about conventions. Conventions will continue even after the show is over. Supernatural 2020 conventions got moved to 2021 due to COVID. J2 (Jared and Jensen) make as much attending a weekend convention as they do in making an episode of the show (possibly more). So they won’t give up conventions unless they get on a movie that messes up their schedule, or enough fans eventually stop coming the farther we get past the show’s end. Currently the conventions have 1,000-1,500 people and are solely dedicated to SPN. Hard for you to go though, unless you don’t mind spoilers. Believe me, people are going to be asking questions about the finale. But the costume contests are fun. There is a separate contest for Castiel cosplay because so many dress as Cas. I guess it’s more fin than putting on a flannel and being Sam or Dean? Plenty of people come as other characters and monsters/villains, too.

Nancy Nicolai

IMO you might want to have drinks🥃🍸🍹🍷🍺for the rest of this season and maybe the entirety of the series👌😉


Shelley: How much more meta can they get? Me: *laughs hysterically* I really love this episode. For some reason, the scene where larp Dean shows the real Dean his toy gun is the funniest freaking thing and I cry laughing...every time. IIRC, the first SPN con (with the actors and not just fan produced) was in '07, so yes...they were happening during this episode. And fun fact: This episode was the second time SPN was nominated for a GLAAD Media award. This show, while not perfect, has always been diverse and inclusive. Even when they didn't have to be. They were doing things others wouldn't even consider.

Brenda Lewis

I do love the poke they give to the fans. It is really an acknowledgement of the fans which the show really loves a lot. They always find a way to write them in and it's a shout out. Yes they do it in an interesting way. But I feel it's their way of not taking themselves to seriously especially when so much of the subject matter is so heavy. No other show I've seen does comedy better that Supernatural.

Anthony Ubelhor

Loved your reaction. One point though. Becky said Crowley was Lilith's "right-hand man," not her lover.

Mike Watkins

Becky did also say right after that, "and I think her lover, too". Though I don't think it's true anyway.