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Shattered Glass - Full Version.mp4

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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Shattered Sight- Yay!!! Thank you so much for your reaction to such an amazing, funny, and beautiful episode!!!! Again... this episode is most definitely among my favorites from season four as well. I feel that this Frozen arc has the most number of episodes within a single arc that I consider to be among my favorite episodes and we still have one more to come. This arc is really quite beautiful. :) Also... I had hoped we would have seen a bit more darkness in everyone given how much this spell has been built up this first half of this season. However, I suspect that the spell takes time to fully build up and for people to really see the darkness within themselves. Just like we saw with Belle back in the previous episode... Family Business, when she was staring into her reflection in the Snow Queen's mirror within her ice cave. Her inner darkness was really building up more and more the longer she was under the spell's trance. Had the spell over everyone remained over their minds, it would have eventually caused the worst of them all to come out and that's when they would have begun to kill one another, had Anna, Emma, and Elsa not found a way to remind Ingrid of her sisters' true love for her. Now, with all that being said, my favorite moments... First... I absolutely love the final scene between Emma, Elsa, Anna, and of course Ingrid too, as Ingrid finally learns that her sisters loved her all along and that Gerda was so sorry for everything that happened between them, including taking all memories of Ingrid and Helga away from the people of Arendelle. I love how Ingrid sacrifices her life to reverse her Spell of Shattered Sight. What a beautiful and heartbreaking moment. It is a little rushed, as is the entire episode, but it's merely due to time constraints with having to fit the end of the Snow Queen's story within a single episode. It's beautiful overall. I've always loved the Snow Queen as a villain. She isn't my favorite by any means, but she is phenomenal. And I love that she also finds redemption so she too could have her happy ending, despite being a villain just moments earlier. Ingrid attacking Anna and then suddenly feeling such remorse may be a little strange, but then... Ingrid does pick up the crystals and comes to feel her sisters' love again at their touch. So I understand it as well. Overall... so beautiful. :) Second... I love, love, love both scenes between Killian and Gold inside his shop. I love Killian's lines and his banter as he struggles to remain strong while he's being forced to do Gold's bidding against his will, in spite of feeling so heartbroken knowing he's going to die soon once Gold gets around to crushing his heart. And third... I love the moment inside Town Hall between Killian and Henry, as Killian is there on Gold's orders to kidnap Henry for Gold. I love how Henry calls Killian a dirty pirate, to which Killian responds, "Dirty... I bathe quite frequently, thank you very much." Their banter continues when Killian is happy to hear that Emma used the word "together" upon hearing Henry talking about their relationship. I think Killian focuses on the wrong words Henry says to him because Killian understands that Henry is under the spell's influence and therefore knows Henry doesn't mean any of the unkind words he's saying to him. And he cares very much about Henry, who he knows cares about him too. So I really appreciate that. Killian then finally gets inside through Regina's spell until he unfortunately falls hard on the marbles Henry put out on the floor in front of the door to try to slow down anyone who breaks inside much like Kevin in Home Alone, which is pretty hilarious too. And to make things worse... Killian then runs into Will Scarlet after he gets back up to his feet and attempts to chase after Henry. Will still has a quarrel with him due to when Killian gave him a black eye and attacked him under Gold's influence back in the episode... The Apprentice. It's a good thing Killian is able to defeat him pretty easily. Very funny and so good. :) Now, as for Ingrid's backstory with young Emma... while I feel they are the weaker scenes throughout the episode overall, I still really love this backstory that shows how Ingrid not only gets to know Emma when she's young, but also how the Snow Queen later comes to be in Storybrooke, and we see a scene between them just after Emma first arrives in Storybrooke herself inside Ingrid's ice cream parlor, known as Any Given Sundae. The only problem with this scene, is that back when Emma had just arrived in Storybrooke, and we know it's early on because the time that appears onscreen is 2011, just after Emma first arrives in Storybrooke with Henry. Also... Emma mentions she is going to call Graham for help upon seeing Ingrid is apparently stalking her, Ingrid swiftly uses magic to pull out Emma's memories of her and into the crystal, when magic didn't exist yet in Storybrooke. Maybe she was able to use magic because Emma is the Savior and we know that magic could come back at certain times because of her. But I'm not so sure. Maybe this was a misstep, or maybe Emma being there was what allowed Ingrid to use magic. Either way... I still enjoy this scene. What I love most about the past storyline is seeing how Ingrid makes the mistake of pushing young Emma, as well as Emma upon her arrival in Storybrooke... too far, much too fast. They're sad, even heartbreaking moments, especially upon seeing young Emma had almost been adopted and felt loved for such a brief time by someone, only for her to wind up getting hurt all over again. And you can also really see Ingrid's love for Emma too. Had she not attempted to push Emma into her powers, then perhaps she and Ingrid could have been happy together and Ingrid could have been able to let go of her plan. However, if this was so, then we wouldn't have this beautiful show that I love so much! Things had to happen as they did for us to get to the point in everyone's lives we're at now. As for present day Storybrooke under the influence of the Snow Queen's Spell of Shattered Sight... oh my gosh, these scenes between the characters are hilarious. I love seeing Regina become the Evil Queen again so briefly. I love the banter between her, Mary Margaret, and David, as well as between her, Emma, and Elsa too. I love the sword battle between Regina and Mary Margaret inside the sheriff's station while David is trapped still in the jail cell. And I love the overall banter back and forth between Mary Margaret, David, Anna, and Kristoff. So adorable and hilarious. I especially love the banter when David mocks Kristoff about being an ice man and how all of Arendelle is frozen... a fantastic nod to the Disney movie, Frozen. :) I love how Emma and Elsa work together to discover a way to destroy the ribbons around their wrists. And I love that they are quickly able to figure out they can use Regina's current hatred while under the spell to counteract Ingrid's love. Although... Emma really should have put up a new containment spell over Regina's vault in order to keep Regina inside once they did what they needed to do. Emma's lucky Regina didn't kill her parents or brother. And I love how Anna finally joins them upon finding hers and Elsa's parents' letter to them along with the memory stones containing the memories the rock trolls had taken from all of Arendelle of Ingrid and Helga. The moment between Anna and Ingrid is beautiful and heartbreaking. I love it! Also... I love the moment between Anna and Kristoff once again on the beach after Regina poofs them away, as Kristoff sadly continues to complain under the spell's influence. It's a sad moment, but I love how Kristoff's lines are still funny in Kristoff's way, because it's who he is. And he and Anna are just so adorable together. I love them! Sadly, Anna has to render Kristoff unconscious by striking him across the back of his head with the glass bottle, in order to save his life. Thankfully, this allows for Anna to find her parents' message in the bottle. Perfect! And lastly... to go with one of my favorite moments, I absolutely love how Killian pleads with Gold to leave Emma and all of Storybrooke alone now that the Snow Queen's threat has been taken care of, as a last request. And I love how Gold eerily and darkly responds that so long as the heroes don't stand in his way, they have nothing to fear from him, yet he can't promise such for the rest of the world. This moment is so sad because Killian is so broken upon knowing he's going to die soon, yet so amazing because Gold is so sinister and cruel. I love, love, love this scene!!! I hate Gold for his continued plan to hurt so many people, especially Killian as he's been doing. But I cant help but still love his character. :) Overall... such a beautiful and phenomenal episode! I love seeing all of the townsfolk including Granny and the dwarfs fighting one another under the spell's influence, then seeing them hug one another as the snow begins to fall once the spell is finally broken. And I love, love, love seeing Regina, Mary Margaret, and David begin to laugh upon the spell breaking as well once they all see Regina dressed once again as the Evil Queen and remember how they were fighting one another, then seeing them join their loved ones outside along with Elsa and Anna too. Seeing them laughing with one another after all is said and done... it really does show just how far they've all come. Everything about this episode is brilliant! Thank you so much once more, for another phenomenal and fun reaction, Shelley!!! I'm so happy you enjoyed this episode so much. :) I can't wait for the next episode!!! Until then, my friend...


Lol. Yes, I LOVE the way Snow and David was arguing about literally everything LMAO. and Snow yelling, “I was tennnnn” LMAO gets me all the time. also, i agree, i love that they can all just laugh about it at the end 😂 they were really arguing about swaddling 😂 “he’s a BABY not a breakfast burrito” 😂 i’m glad you enjoyed the episode, it’s one of my favorite episodes period. i cannot wait until the next episode (which is the last of 4A)! until then :) 💙

Malachi Fuimaono

I really enjoyed your reaction 😂😂😂😂 Just wait for the next half of the season!!! It’s sooo good and many different turns ahhhh❤️