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It's Not Easy Being Green - Full Version.mp4

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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

It's Not Easy Being Green- Thank you so much for another fabulous reaction for Once Upon a Time!!! I really enjoy this episode a lot. The snark between Regina and Zelena is amazing! I really love their banter. And I absolutely enjoyed your reaction to this episode too! :) Now, as for my favorite scenes in this episode... First, I really love the big battle between Regina and Zelena, and that Regina wins it by being smart enough not to keep her heart in her chest so long as Zelena is a threat, thanks to her learning this lesson from Cora. Gold may have been right about Zelena being stronger in her magic. However, Regina certainly the fight in the end because she is able to outsmart her. A very exciting battle, and I love it!! Also... Zelena looks fabulous in all her glory, when she appears before everyone dressed in full Wicked Witch glory! Her costume is amazing. :) However, my absolute favorite moments throughout this episode, are the moments between Hook and Henry. I absolutely love the moments as Hook tells Henry about Neal when he was a boy, and shares with Henry that he has more in common with his father than Henry knows. So beautiful. Hook really is a good man underneath the villain we've known him to be up until this Wicked Witch arc, as well as a bit throughout the Neverland arc too. Hook truly wants to be there for Henry and for Emma, not for himself in an effort to try to win Emma's heart. It's like Hook had told Emma in Neverland, back in the seventh episode, Dark Hollow... "I also believe in good form. So when I win your heart, Emma... and I will win it... it will not be because of any trickery. It will be because you want me." I definitely believe Hook meant this then and now, and that he has no intention of tricking Emma in order to win her over. His intentions here with Henry, are honorable and good. And I absolutely love it! Hook truly cares about Emma and Henry, just as he cared about Bae/Neal too. Oh... and it's also funny how Hook talks about knowing Neal and teaching him how to sail and navigate the stars when Neal was just a boy, and that Henry becomes even more confused by him and his father when he asks Killian about him and Neal being the same age. So funny. And I absolutely love that this episode really shows just how much Hook truly cares for Bae/Neal because of their time together when Bae was a boy. I love that Hook's time with Henry throughout this episode shows that he's truly grieving like the others, and that his time with Henry is helping to give him some comfort as well, just like Hook told Emma he hoped it would. Beautiful! :) And then... I love the moments between Regina and Robin too. I love that Regina has given Robin her heart to hold onto while she's fighting Zelena, and how she asks him to continue protecting her heart for her. I love that Regina's slowly coming around to accepting him at least as a possible love interest for herself. She may not be there quite yet to accept that they are meant to be soulmates, but she's coming around. So beautiful. They really are so cute and perfect together. And both Lana Parrilla and Sean Maguire have great chemistry with one another :) Oh... and I love seeing Tinker Bell again as she tries to help Regina realize that she and Robin belong together once more. Sadly... Regina continues to act ungrateful for Tink's help, which Tink doesn't deserve, but I am still happy that Tink is always still there willing to help Regina when she needs it nonetheless. Also... I really enjoy Zelena's backstory overall, showing why she's become the Wicked Witch of the West. How she came to be taught by Rumple, how she came to Oz, how she came to to become green because she grew envious of Regina being Rumple's favorite, why he chose Regina to cast his curse over her, and how she met and turned Walsh... the "Great and Terrible Oz", into her first flying monkey. I love it all! I really love that we get to know Walsh and how he was once the Wizard of Oz and the man behind the curtain, then how he also comes to be Zelena's flying monkey who she later comes to send to New York in order to keep Emma oblivious to the truth about herself. Until of course Hook arrives to restore her memories and to remind her of her true self. Oh... and as for the slippers in this show being silver... you're right that it's because in the original story of The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy's slippers were silver, not ruby slippers. They only became ruby slippers when The Wizard of Oz was turned into a movie starring Judy Garland. I think it was partly because they wanted the color on them to pop on screen and red shined brighter like all the rest of the colors throughout Oz, than silver ever could. While I love the ruby slippers, I love all the more that Once Upon a Time chose to go with the slippers as they were originally created. And lastly.... I really love the beginning scene showing the heroes mourn as they bury Neal, as they all take turns shoveling dirt over his casket. I love that Hook is also the first of them to do so, and that Belle was there for Gold when he can't be, which is really, really sad. It's a beautiful scene. And all the more sad, because it shows that Gold feels pain upon the dirt hitting Neal's casket every time the heroes drop it too. What a fabulous episode! Again... I really enjoyed your reaction for it. I can't wait for the next episode because it's another of my all time favorite episodes throughout this season and throughout the entire show too. I'm so excited to see your reaction for it!!!! So, until next time... Thank you!