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Metamorphosis - Full Version.mp4

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Destiny Mormance

Just finished and the part where Sam gets his head smashed and your reaction of "Oh don't you fuckin-" I cracked up lmao love your videos! Also love your lipstick!!

Nancy Nicolai

Yes of course you're right this IS the best show ever and here's a little unsolicited advice there's 11 more seasons of watching and Supernatural is marathon not sprint but that's all I'll say bc spoilers!!!😎⚘💜😏👌

Brenda Lewis

When I first saw this episode I thought it was kind of meh. But upon re-watch I realized how good it s. Of course the whole opening sequences with Ruby and Sand and then Dean are amazing. And the parallel between Sam and Jack. But also Jack changing and being as he feels pushed into becoming something. I think I used to never fully appreciate how good this one was because it comes right after a truly amazing episode. But I love your reaction and I always love your breakdown at the end. This is my favorite tv show of all time and I only discovered it in 2012. I am so happy to ride in the Imapla with you!


I love your reactions and how good you are with your commenting afterwards. Kudos! Reflecting back to my first time watching is sometimes hard for me. I sometimes mix things up, but I'm pretty sure I was where you are so far this season. I was still concerned though, because of all the cautions they'd been doling out about Sam and his powers, since season 2. I also came to trust Dean's instincts. His gut reactions to things can be spot on a lot of times. But where Sam is concerned, it's all messed up. He seems to not like to think of his brother having the demon blood. That's really a sad part. For Dean, this stuff can still be pretty black and white. Demon is "bad", so demon blood must be "bad" too. And now he knows that Ruby is back and has been working with Sam all this time. And Sam kept that from him. Both brothers have issues with communicating. Sam complains about Dean not sharing, but Sam doesn't share either. Not until things get bad. He doesn't like having those difficult discussions with Dean because he knows Dean would not be happy about what he's doing.


The next few episodes are really good ones IMO. This run of eps from 4.01 through 4.10 is one of the show’s best, eclipsed only by season 5. The best is yet to come!


I love how at the beginning you were all “I’m team Sam!” and then recognizing the parallel to Jack’s story, you imagine it won’t be all smooth sailing for Sam. Like you, I can 100% see Sam’s viewpoint because they sure do kill a lot of humans with the knife/demon blade. While I cannot remember for sure, since I am a Dean girl and the angels were against using the demon powers, I am going to guess I was not Team Sam on this one.