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Dreamy - Full Version.mp4

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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another reaction for Once Upon a Time! :) Dreamy is a strange episode for a lot of fans of this show, but I still really enjoy it nonetheless. It has charm and it also has a strong nostalgic draw to the classic Disney movies in regards to how fast Dreamy and Nova come to fall in love with each other. Yes... it was certainly extremely fast for them to have fallen in love with one another, but then again, their characters were also both naïve and they don't understand the ways of the world. Dreamy only knew his brothers and worked constantly in the mines, and Nova only really knew her sisters... the fairies. She had seen a little of the world while flying over it, but she never interacted with the people because she wasn't yet a Fairy Godmother like she dreamed to one day become. So I can understand why it was so easy and quick for them to fall in love with one another. Because they helped each other to understand they could be more than they were and because they were different from the few others they knew. They both helped one another to believe they could do anything, so long as they could dream it. Quite beautiful. Now, in regards to the brief scene in the tavern between Dreamy and Belle within the past storyline... This scene takes place after the past storyline events in Skin Deep. Just after Rumple frees Belle from being his prisoner again and tells her to leave him and never to come back, before the Evil Queen later comes to him at his castle to inform Rumple that Belle was dead because she had supposedly committed suicide after throwing herself off the tower of her own palace. And in the Enchanted Forest... it isn't so uncommon or strange for a woman, who wasn't a wench or barmaid, to walk into a tavern for a drink like it was during the days of the old west. In this sense, their world is just like our modern world today. It isn't strange to see a woman walk into a bar for a drink too. In the past storyline for this episode, after the struggles Belle went through with Rumple and then him having kicked her out... Belle needed a place to go to try to think about what she was to do next. And as far as her father knew, she was still Rumplestiltskin's prisoner. Belle longed for adventure and most likely wasn't sure if she wanted to go home again after being released or not. As for the past storyline as a whole.... I really do think it's adorable. I love both Grumpy and Nova. While Dreamy isn't as fun of a character as Grumpy is, I still love him too. He's adorable and sweet. And I've seen the actress who plays Nova (Amy Acker) in a number of shows, and I just love her. Never Angel, but she's also one of the major characters in my second favorite show just behind Once Upon a Time... Person of Interest starring Jim Caviezel and Michael Emerson, who is also from Lost. The dwarfs being hatched from eggs is strange too, I wasn't really sure what to think of this at first, but it's definitely something different in regards to past dwarf lore from any books, movies, etc... And I do respect the show's creators and writers for their creativity... for this idea and so many others too. Plus... it allows for us to understand why Grumpy was originally Dreamy, because of Nova spilling her fairy dust over Grumpy's egg. Like I said above... I really enjoy Dreamy's and Nova's love story and it's heartbreaking to see how their love story doesn't work out. Seeing them meet up on Firefly Hill after Belle helps Dreamy to understand why he feels as he does is because he's in love... it's adorable. I absolutely love how Belle helps Dreamy to realize he's in love, because he didn't understand why he was feeling so bad, or that Nova had asked him to go out on a date with her. So cute! :) But back to my thoughts in regards to the heartbreak... it's so sad and while Dreamy should have spoken to Nova about everything Blue and his boss from the mines (Bossy) spoke to him about, Dreamy really did want what was best for her and sadly, he was naïve enough to trust Blue that what was best for her was for her to remain a fairy. But Dreamy knew that Nova would never accept this and so he broke her heart so that she would leave him and continue to do her work as a fairy. Which brings us back to why we see him within the past storyline from a previous episode, 715 AM, as a prisoner inside one of King George's dungeons. And unfortunately, Grumpy tells Snow White while they're prisoners that he had gone to try to find his lost love to win her back, until he got into trouble. And seeing this scene upon Dreamy breaking Nova's heart and walking away from her, it's clear he later regrets having done so and did try to go after her so he could explain himself and apologize to Nova for breaking her heart... until he's set up and takes the fall for a crime he didn't commit, then is thrown in prison, making it too late for him to find Nova again. And we can assume that maybe Nova never returned to the human world again and remained in the sky, until the Evil Queen's curse brought her, the fairies, and everyone together again in Storybrooke. Now, as for Dreamy becoming Grumpy and him taking up a new axe for his name to change... I feel this idea really worked and I really loved it. As tragic as it is, I just love that Dreamy had become so heartbroken and lost all will to dream again, and to believe that he could never be anything more than a dwarf who worked only in the mines forever, that he no longer had the will to dream. And therefore... his name became as was his biggest personality trait. The most dominate personality that made him who he was... Grumpy. I love that each dwarf was given their names based on their most dominant personality trait, as the magical axes they wielded sensed it within them. Their axes are wielded with magic and are known to be the only tools known that are strong enough to cut through the diamonds within the mines. As for the Blue Fairy... so many people dislike her character and find her to be shady, as well as stern. She's definitely stern, but she is the leader of all the fairies and it's her duty to protect and look after all the fairy dust that was said to be among the most powerful magic throughout the fairytale world... outside of True Love and True Love's Kiss of course. On top of that, as a Fairy Godmother, she has her charges she cares for and not just her sisters the fairies, but her friends and the people living within the Enchanted Forest and other realms too. So she has a responsibility and a heavy burden. Their world depends on the fairies and their fairy dust, as so many people make wishes. SO they can help make people's dreams come true. Therefore... Blue has to be firm and strict. Was what she did to Dreamy and Nova right? No... I don't think so. I think she went too far and hurt them both. However, she wasn't the only one who hurt them. Bossy was as much a part of breaking Dreamy's heart and making him become Grumpy. He was just as responsible, and they both believed they were doing what was best for their charges no matter how wrong or right it was. I really like the Blue Fairy overall. So far... you haven't seen the best of her, except for briefly in the end of episode five, That Still Small Voice when Blue comes to Jiminy Cricket and grants his wish to become a cricket so he can help Geppetto. And I really love the actress who plays her... Keegan Connor Tracy. She's really good in this role. Now onto the main Storybrooke storyline... First, I also really love the moments throughout the episode between Leroy and Astrid, as well as between Leroy and Mary Margaret. And while I thought that it was strange how Leroy changed his mind to help Mary Margaret so he could impress Astrid, who in her cursed persona was a nun, I really liked that it was later revealed by Leroy to Mary Margaret, that all he did for her wasn't because he believed anything more than friendship could come between them, but because he simply wanted the chance to have that one moment with her. The moment where he could be a hero in someone's eyes for a change and to be more than just the town drunk that everyone else always saw him as. And Leroy didn't just have that moment with Astrid, but with Mary Margaret too. I can absolutely understand that need for him to want to have that moment. I myself long to have that same moment in my life too. I'm a loner and I'm uncomfortable around most people, especially all those I don't know, or know well. And those who know me, know this about me and I've lost out on getting together and having fun with friends during my high school days, because my friends always hung out in big groups of people and I was rarely invited me out to join them, because they knew this about me. And it really hurt then. It still hurts now. So I can most certainly understand wanting to have a special moment like Leroy longed for with someone. I think this is why I can appreciate this episode for what it is, because I know how it feels to want to be seen differently, and to want to have one person look at you differently than how it is you look at yourself. As for the scene between Leroy and Mr. Gold down at the docks... I really enjoy this scene as well. And in regards to his dislike for the nuns... If you noticed, Mother Superior is truly the Blue Fairy and Astrid is really the Pink Fairy, Nova. And each of the other nuns as you might have figured, are also nuns too. Now... because Gold knows who he really is, his real dislike is for the fairies and that dislike and anger towards the fairies have carried over into their world now. And as for why Gold accepting the nuns as his tenants if he's always hated the fairies so much... he didn't originally have any choice in the matter when they automatically became his tenants in the curse when it first carried them all over into Storybrooke. And for twenty-eight years, Gold was just as cursed as everyone else, so he didn't know why or understand why he had such a disliking for the nuns, nor could he initially remember having a choice to refuse to take them in as tenants. I hope this makes sense to you. Please let me know if it doesn't and I can try to explain it better. I also really feel badly for Mary Margaret throughout this episode because everyone treats her so horribly and shuns her, calling her the town harlot and a tramp. However, I really love the very brief moment when Granny at last shows her a bit of kindness in the end as she takes Mary Margaret's candle from her to light it, then smiles at her and tenderly pats her back to show the healing between her and the people have begun. As for Emma being unable to detect Sidney's deceptions... Emma is so desperate to take down Regina and to protect Henry, Mary Margaret, and David too, as well as everyone else, that her judgement at times is blinded. However, Sidney is also very clever and careful with his words and in his actions. He knows he has to be, as does Regina. And lastly... of course Regina has most likely done something to doctor Kathryn's phone records somehow in order to make it appear like David is to blame for her disappearance. However, there's of course more to Regina's deception and it's most certainly not good. There's so much more to come. But I was certainly nervous upon seeing Emma come up to David in the end and then seeing her lead him to her car as though she's arresting him, as Mary Margaret sees this happen from a distance. I really like how this moment was done in the show and was very intrigued by what was to come. Overall... despite this episode's possible flaws with the past storyline, I really do enjoy Dreamy very much for what it is. I like Emma's investigation into Kathryn's disappearance, I really enjoy the love story for what it was, I love Nova/Astrid and Dreamy's development into becoming Grumpy, and was worried upon seeing the possibility that David could have had something to do with Kathryn's disappearance. I doubted it, because I know Regina and what's she's capable of, but this episode was definitely good at shifting the suspicion. And because I love Prince Charming and can't see him as possibly anything less the good man we know him to truly be. Thank you so much again! I can't wait for more!!! Until next time...

Paul Fisher

I liked this episode too, which puts us in a minority. I think a lot of people dislike it but I enjoyed it. I really like Amy Acker and like Heidi mentioned above, I love her portrayal of Root in "Person of Interest." Her character's fairy name in the Enchanted Forest was Nova. That continued the practice that characters' names in the Enchanted Forest are always related to their names in Storybrooke since her name in Storybrooke was Astrid. You are right that Jane Espenson was involved in this show. She was a produce for the series as well as a writer and she wrote many of my favorite episodes (but not this one.) She wrote "Skin Deep" among others. Some of the fans refer to her episodes as "Espensodes." (Sorry this is such a long paragraph. If I hit "Return" my computer submits the comment instead of just giving a new line for a new paragraph.)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yes... I do sense you and I are in the minority when it comes to who loves this episode. It's not one of my favorites from season one, but I do love it nonetheless. Yes!! I absolutely love Root in Person of Interest! :) She's a phenomenal actress, and I love her as Nova here on Once Upon a Time so much too. These two characters are so completely different and yet they're both so good. And yes... I like a lot, if not all of Jane Espenson's episodes that she's written for Once Upon a Time too. She's one of the better writers I feel for this show. She also wrote That Still Small Voice, which is one of my favorite episodes from season one. And I love Desperate Souls, as well as Skin Deep too. And she's written quite a few of my favorite episodes throughout the seasons coming up for Shelley as well. :)

Paul Fisher

Yes, "Desperate Souls" is perhaps my favorite episode, although I like everything Jane Espenson wrote, including the next episode Shelley is about to see!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Absolutely. Desperate Souls and Skin Deep aren't quite among my favorites from season one, but they are very close and I do love them very much, just as I love the next episode too. :)

Edwin Wickey

The two guys who created this show and are the head writers are the same guys who created Lost 🙂. They throw Easter eggs to Lost in all over the place too.