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Update 8/22: Covid got me, girlies. Hopefully I'm well enough to film on Saturday. 🀞🏻


Hey y'all, tonight's schedule is moving to tomorrow because my life has been consumed by the Olympics. I'm behind on editing and Supernatural episodes, and I need to catch up.

I've also decided that I need a break from the 4 day a week schedule. I've been doing it for so long, and I'm just tired. Agent Carter has officially won the Limited Series poll, but I'm not going to start it until next month to allow my schedule to breathe for a bit. Very excited to see it though.

I've also got the Supernatural convention this month!!! I'm finally going to see the cast in person. I can't believe it! I hope to see some of y'all there. I will try to do some vlogging about my adventures and post a recap when I get back.

Emily and I are also changing our X-Files schedule so those will be coming earlier in the week now.





So excited to hear about the convention! I'm sure you'll have an awesome time 😊

Michelle Denny

So excited that you are going to go to a con! I hope to see you there. And yes girl, you have been working hard, take some time to take care of yourself!


I love your videos, did you watched TWD? If not please consider it, thanks β€οΈπŸ™Œ

Ian Fleming

Looks good. Get some well earned rest and enjoy your con.


Can't wait to hear about your experience in the convention ❀️

Sharon Owen

2 weeks until the con! I can't wait to meet you and others there!


I'm very excited for you to go to your first con. Also can't wait to hear about it. Hope you'll have the best time.

Demijan Omeragic

Can't wait for tonight's X-Files episode. :D


Don’t worry, enjoy the con!!!


Ugh, that sucks! Bright side, at least you didn't have symptoms during the con? Feel better soon!

Ian Fleming

Oh no, just read your latest update... Get well soon.


hope you feel better soon! sorry to hear you got sick but im glad you had such a great time at the con!