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Nothing Important Happened Today - Full Version.mp4

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Demijan Omeragic

No matter how many times one repeats and implores people not to spoil things, it simply doesn't change anything. Please don't let anyone ruin this season for you. You might like it, you might not like it, but don't let others influence you on what is good and what is bad.

Wolfgang Engel

You, constantly repeating yourself, doesn't make it more true, or doesn't work in a way that people do what you want. Your not the channel police here, right? I get when a reactor doesn't want to get spoilered, and I respect that. But then it must be defined what spoilers are. So far they never really complained. They even asked for more information on the background of Duchovnies abscence, while you were still panicking about spoilers. And about ruining stuff, or influencing, that was exactly what you were doing, when you were talking about the quality of the SpinOff you haven't even watched yourself, just based on hearsay. Taking influence. And you did it waaay worse. And we wouldn't even have to talk about it that much, if you didn't start it off. I didn't write anything at all, that could be seen as influential. I didn't write anything about the quality of season 9, except that there was a drop in ratings (doesn't say anything about the quality, and doesn't spoil things), and that it wasn't my favorite season (personal taste, and I'm pretty sure you did the same thing already by yourself) I don't ruin anything for anyone. And that there is a change (ensemble cast), can be already seen in this first episode. So now is the time to talk about it, not when the show is over. You're just very annoying. And if you weren't a stranger from the internet, I would start to think this is personal, and you're doing this on purpose. Cause your not talking to someone directly or privately, and you don't really explain what the issue is, you're just cooking something up, which only leads to more discussions. That's gaslighting. You're making it difficult to talk about the show at all. I tried to get along, but I'm going to ignore you from now on. This is ridicolous. Still wishing you fun here. That's what I'm here for.

Daniela Keller

Yes, i was quite annoyed by David (I would like to be a movie star) Duchovny, for leaving the show again. For all long-term fans, this was really a big disappointment.