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The Monster at the End of This Book - Rewatch.mp4

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I think Chuck was messing with Sam and Dean in this episode, with regards for what he wrote about Sam and Lilith. I don't think that part was an actual "prophecy". It was to play with them.


Chuck doesn't say that Sam makes a deal with Lilith, he say they have sex coz in his vision he sees the part where both Lilith and Sam going to bed together but the vision cuts off before the part where Sam picks up the knife and tries to kill her. There are 2 explanations that could work for why chuck seems to be getting visions when no one is around: 1- like CAS said prophets have archangels watching over them at all times so chuck could be putting an act for Raphael. 2- this is not God, this is chuck who is a prophet and only becomes god's vessel after this episode, like God hasn't possessed this vessel yet at that point.