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On the Head of a Pin - Rewatch.mp4

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Shelley - I don't believe Sam killed Alistair simply because he was on some kind of power trip. He killed him because he was the demon who tortured his brother in hell and got him to start torturing others. I would have done the same TBH. Also, I love that we are seeing the cost of Sam's power and feeling uneasy about it, but at the same time, Alistair would have sent Cass back to heaven and killed Dean if Sam wouldn't have stepped in at that moment to take him out. I love those grey areas that the show plays in. Necessary evils. Delicious.


I agree about Sam’s motivations. I think there is a to more behind all of his actions than just power-tripping or trying to be better than Dean, as some would suggest. I think it’s interesting that Sam and Dean, particularly Dean, often (not always) end up killing their brother's greatest tormentors in the earlier seasons: Sam kills Alastair. Dean kills YED. Dean ultimately kills Lucifer.


Sex and Violence - Hey Shelley, your thoughts on The Doc being a Ruby parallel and Nick being a Castiel parallel are interesting. Sam is also banging Ruby, but she doesn’t actually mean anything to him. Nick being a Cass stand is is interesting, but I don’t think, at this point, he fits as a replacement for Sam in the brother sense (more so if this were Season 5), but an alternate ally maybe. Also, the siren literally says that he is a stand-in for Sam, so I think you may be putting a bit too much emphasis on Cas here, imo. Actual stated text does have more weight than parallels or subtext that people can interpret however they want. I like how the siren goes after Dean where he is vulnerable (family), not sex because he can get that whenever he wants. It’s an interesting angle to take. "Subtext" for Dean's male siren is a slippery slope, though, because that way lies wincest (the siren literally declared it is a stand in for Sam). Also, the siren ends up infecting both brothers, and the way we see him do it to Sam is …evocative, so that would be some bi Sam subtext, too. I truly think the intention of the episode was simply to flip the normal expectations of what a siren is, and show how messed up Sam and Dean's relationship is right now, but if we start looking for subtext … there is way more there than some fans might like. An interesting episode for sure. On The Head of a Pin - I think this is a very good episode, but I almost never watch it. The actor who plays Alistsur disgusts me so viscerally that I don’t enjoy casually watching the episode., even though I think he’s great in the role. The episode I’d definitely an important on for the season, though. Side note: headcsnons are definitely fun, and people should watch the show how they like. But, one thing to keep in mind is that Chuck wasn’t really envisioned as god in this season. That came later, so any parallels to him might not be fully intentional yet. He records the stories in this season, rather than creating them. This is sort of like the trickster in Season 3. He wasn't Gabriel yet, so going deep into his motivations at that time doesn't fully work in context of later seasons.