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Chapter 6: Every Day - Full Version.mp4

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Sharon Owen

Oh boy - this episode really puts your heart through a blender! It's like a rollercoaster (every day it's getting closer, going faster than a rollercoaster...) I never trusted Metatron - probably because of Supernatural lol. It does feel like Season 8 finale of Supernatural to me - Metatron tricking Castiel... Season 3 if confirmed to be the final season - no idea on when it'll film, but I fear we have a long wait...

Stephanie Butler

My heart was breaking for you during the whole episode cause you were so looking forward to the happy ending and drinks at the Ritz and I knew what was coming. Of course Metatron did it deliberately - he had to break them up. They are too powerful together. They did one tiny miracle together and it was 25 Lazuri. Imagine what they could do together if they put their minds to it. In SPN terms, together they are the Jack to take down Chuck. At the end of season 1, Crowley says the next Apocalypse will be worse - Heaven & Hell against all of us (humanity). That's what's coming. Aziraphale and Crowley can't (won't) do what Beelzebub and Gabriel did and just leave (no matter how many times Crowley says he wants to run away). They care too much about humanity. Anyway, so glad you watched it and enjoyed it! Shooting for Season 3 won't start til 2025 so there's a way to go. But worth the wait I think.