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What Is and What Should Never Be - Rewatch.mp4

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The only thing I like about heart is that parallel with Madison asking Sam to kill her and Rowena asking Sam to kill her in the final season, that's it, also shirtless Sam didn't hurt but yeah it's absolutely like a cheesy fan fic


This is the episode when they started using the new plate. Because of Hendrickson. They needed to try to cover their tracks and their old plate was now in the system. My thoughts on why Dean's "perfect world" wasn't so perfect is that it reflects how he thinks about himself. He doesn't have a very high opinion of himself and so it shows in even his perfect world. Maybe the Djinn had something to do with that too, but I think it's really Dean's subconscious coming into play. He thinks that if it weren't for hunting he and Sam wouldn't have a relationship. And, to be honest, Sam has clearly shown that he doesn't approve much of how Dean acts or behaves, so that is something that Dean has taken to heart too. So, of course, he'd think that he'd be a terrible brother if it weren't for hunting. And about John not being there. I think there's too much stuff there with John and that Dean can't separate it into being anything else. That John would be too much of a presence and intimidating. I don't think Dean can even imagine John being any other way. But, with Mary, it's all still open for her being anything and being how he envisions her in his childhood memories. I think the drinking is part of that too. He knows that Sam thinks he drinks too much. Dean likely thinks he does too. I do think that Dean isn't actually addicted to it, but he does use it to escape. To deal with emotions. It's hard for me to really explain this, but I tried. This episode is so sad. We see that Dean really does want a normal life, but now he's really seeing how impossible that is for him. That it will never happen. And he's starting to just accept that and embrace the fact that he's just meant to be a Hunter. A killer. That what he wants does not matter and he will never get what he really wants and he needs to just accept that and not look back.