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Here are a few of our frequently-asked questions!

Read through it, and if there's anything else you still are unsure of, leave your question in the comments of this post.

How do I get access to the Patreon-only Discord Server?

Here is a how-to guide on how to connect your account to Discord! You should have received an email with instructions, but use the guide if you missed it.

We've heard it's much easier to do via desktop browser/web browser, so we would recommend that. If you are still having issues, you can send a request for help to Patreon Support linked here. Keep in mind, this is only an option for paid members of our Patreon.

How do I get access to the ad-free version of the podcast on platforms I use? (e.g. Spotify)

Here is a how-to guide for how to link your account to your podcast platform of choice so that you can get the ad-free version of the show and the Patreon-only show, Second Wind. If you are still having issues, you can send a request for help to Patreon Support linked here. Keep in mind, this is only an option for paid members of our Patreon.

Will the podcast still be releasing on podcast platforms?

YES! Stinky Dragon will be available everywhere it was before (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, etc). The only place it will no longer be available is on Rooster Teeth, as that website no longer exists.

Do I have to be a member of Patreon to listen to the podcast?

Nope! If you are unable to support us on Patreon, you can still listen to an ad-supported version of the podcast when it is released on all podcast platforms. However, all the extra perks, Discord access, and additional content we are making is exclusive to Patreon!

Will you still have people doing voices for NPCs?

Yes! We are very fortunate to have supportive friends and former colleagues who still want to help make our episodes come to life. We plan to continue having voices in the show!

How often and when do new episodes come out?

Episodes of the main podcast release Tuesdays at 2am CT (same time as they did before!) but now they will be every other week. This is due to having less resources, and wanting to keep the high quality of the show.

What is Second Wind, and where do I listen to it?

Second Wind is a show that comes out the week in between Tales from the Stinky Dragon episodes. On Second Wind, we deep-dive into the recent episode of the podcast, answer fan questions (which you can submit in the Discord) as well as talk about life and other fun things. This show is exclusive to our patrons!

What is the plan for the rest of Campaign 2 (Grotethe)?

We have completed recording of Campaign 2! It will end with Episode 50. As a disclaimer, the campaign was wrapped up exactly how it was always planned - we did not rush it or change it due to Rooster Teeth's closure.

Will you have any merch? 

Hopefully, eventually, yes! We are just getting started, and doing merch is a complicated process. Stay tuned for updates on that in the future.

When will the music and soundtracks be back on streaming platforms?

SOON! We will update you as soon as it's back. We had to take all the music down temporarily during our shift to take the show independent.

Will you still be making Puppet content?

That's the plan! We have a few puppet shorts and animated shorts yet to be released that you will be seeing soon. However, puppet production requires a ton of resources (cameras, lighting, art and sets, access to studio space, and so on) which we currently are working on researching. We will keep you all posted on when we can get back to it!

If I had FIRST Membership when you were part of Rooster Teeth, does that transfer over?

Unfortunately, no. Rooster Teeth no longer exists, which means anything to do with memberships is no longer available. That means if you had an ad-free RSS feed with FIRST membership, that will no longer work, and you will have to re-link your account with Patreon. Instructions are here!

How else can I support the show?

Being a member of our Patreon is definitely the best way to support us. Other than that, just listening to the podcast, following us on social media, and sharing the show with others are all GREAT ways to support what we do!


Richard Spoehr

How does one submit an NPC name as a new patron?


Spotify apparently doesn't support private RSS feeds, but there's a slightly convoluted way to listen to your patron exclusive audio through Spotify. Found going through the link that explains how to link your RSS feeds with a podcast app and then following another link near the bottom there for compatible podcast apps. Down near the bottom it lists Spotify with a caveat in (). If this shouldn't apply let me know but for now I can't get the ad free version through Spotify.


The "listen on Spotify" button I've read about here and in the support post doesn't seem to show for me on my android

Barbara Dunkelman

We’re currently working on a submission form/system. Will post an update when we have info!