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Hey everyone. So a long time ago, I wanted to draw a doujinshi. At the time I was quite inexperienced and I put the project on hold because I wanted to improve as an artist and revisit the idea later. Earlier this year I felt like that time may have arrived, but then I started to really explore color works and I really loved getting better at painting and producing some nice colored drawings. My attention went all into that kind of art, and the project got put aside once more which I apologize for.

Just lately however, I've been working together with a good friend of mine to see how we can bring the doujinshi back.

The doujinshi will remain focused on Caulifla, Kale, Cabba and Kefla.

So it really could go a couple directions.

1) We continue the doujinshi that I was drawing a few years ago and bring it to a conclusion (this may include edits here and there to improve what's currently here)

2) We create a new doujinshi inspired by the original attempt, but with improvements across the board in story telling, art, basically going 100% to bring it up to my current standards etc

To me, I really like option 2. It gives me a chance to make it the best it can be, while grabbing things that worked in the previous project and incorporating them and improving them. That's what I'd like to do.

To that end, my friend and I are in the process of script writing to make sure this is fully written from start to end, and that it's charming with personality and quality.

Upon completing the script, I'll then begin with drawing out various drafts of the pages, sketches, and then of course the completed pages.

I want this project to be the sole thing that I focus on once we begin; so we'll start from the beginning and finish at the end, as it should be. No distractions, nothing else art wise getting in the way.

I'm going to allow around 3 months to complete the doujinshi. It will be around 20-24 pages long.

The content Patrons will receive are as follows:

$1+ Patrons will receive individual images that are created for the project

$5+ Patrons will receive access to the doujinshi full project pages (drafts, sketches, final pages etc) and input on content they would like to be incorporated into the project (this will go into a file to be referenced when we are scripting and drawing the pages)

$10+ Patrons will receive all the above, plus: PSDs of panels to download + videos of them being drawn


Note: While the script is being worked on when me and my friend can get together, I'll continue putting out regular drawings as you'd expect. Once the script is complete and we're good to go, then the 3 months begins from there. So expect to see the usual kinds of drawings you get from me until the script is complete (hopefully within the next few days or so). 

This is basically my thought process and I just want to ask you guys what you think to this idea. If it sounds good to you, then my friend and I will continue scripting and putting things together, and I'll be asking you to help us with ideas that we can put into the doujin.

Please let me know what you think!

Thank you for your support as always and I hope you're as excited by this as I am = ).



Hype asf for the comeback fr


I think you should do it, because it sounds like what you’re passionate about. I originally became a patron during that time of the doujinshi so to hear of a return is nice. I think option 2 would be the best way to go, that way you aren’t constrained to the existing stuff, and can approach it completely new.