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Hey everyone. Thank you for your support as always. It really means a lot to me as you probably know!

To give you a little update on things as they are right now, I'm trying to put out as much content as I can going forward. As such, I've realised that a big portion of my audience is looking for DB content and another large portion are looking for non-DB content too. So I'm going to try to strike a balance between the two. I'm aiming to put out both DB girls and also any other girls you want to see. If you can leave some comments to this message regarding who you'd like to see drawn then I can get through those. Some ideas from the Discord Server include:

  • Iono (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet)
  • Nemona (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet)
  • Caulifla
  • Akane from Gridman
  • and Nagatoro

...among others. But I would really appreciate any more you can leave in the comments. 

At the same time, in the background I'm working on an art course which in theory should help me improve in areas I'm not so great at. For example, I love coloring but I struggle with the process so the course should help me become better at painting and put out more colored works with a bit more confidence. So you should expect to see the quality of my output improve in general over time (I hope!). 

At some point soon, I also want to go over Patreon and give it a refresh as a lot of what's here hasn't been edited for a while. I want to make sure this place looks as good as it can and is up to par for both new and older Patrons. Also, I will be working on more content towards the $5 and $10(+) tiers too. I have some process videos I've made so you can watch me draw and I want to put more PSDs on here so you can download my files. The reason I haven't put many up lately is because I think they're more interesting if they belong to colored works, so again, more color drawings are going to be coming and thus more higher tier rewards too.

And finally, for those that have been around for a long time know that I've taken breaks here and there when I've needed to. The honest truth is that IRL can take its toll, but I really want to go 120% this year as my passion and focus is on improvement and output  going forward. I'm aiming for 2023 to be a good year.

Thank you all again and wish you all the best = ). 

A link to the Discord Server (is the best place to contact me): https://discord.gg/Pa8hu8ez


Henrik Jessen

Don't overtax yourself! It's great that you try to be more active, but do take your breaks, if you need them! Very excited to find out, where your path takes you this year!