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Hi everyone, so I finally managed to do a new drawing...

I apologise for the long wait. I would like to explain why I've been away. Firstly, thank you for all your support. You've been amazing and I really appreciate you sticking with me. Thank you.

Back in Feb I experienced a bit of burn out, and a couple days later my dad was taken into hospital. I'm sure a lot of you will have read the posts about that so I won't go into it again. But this went on for three weeks and yeah... depression hit me. REALLY hard.

In March I had a breakdown more than once and I just struggled getting through each day. My dad came home and he was fine, but boy, I just had such a rough time in March. It was really hard.

In April I started taking medication to treat my depression. I spent a while trying to find an alternative to anti-depressants because although they work, they made me put on a lot of weight over the years. 

And now we're in May, where finally the medication I've been taking has begun to work and I'm feeling a lot better. So I was a little unsure if I could even draw again lol but I felt ready to do some today, and here I am. I feel a lot better now I've finally gotten a drawing out and honestly I've been wanting to for a long time. 

In the time that I wasn't drawing (Feb - May) I've spent it doing a lot of exercise and managed to lose over 30 pounds. I'm now in the best shape I've been since 2015. Just a little bit more  to go and I'll be where my target is. I'm really happy I managed to stick with being healthier and am much better for it.

So yeah. I apologise for the wait but I spent the time working on myself. The depression is much better (still needs work but getting there) and my physical health is great. 

THANK YOU so much again ^_^!




That’s great to hear honestly I’m really glad you’ve been improving on yourself and managed to pull through during these harsh tribulations. I wish you and your family the best of luck and I look forward to see you posting again👍

Henrik Jessen

No need to apologize, nothing here is your fault. Depression is just like that...nice to hear you're taking medication now, here's to hoping this puts you on a better lane now.