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(From Page 7)

Hello everyone! As always, I want to give a massive thank you to everybody! Your kindness and support means the world to me. I really do appreciate you all!

I wanted to clarify something on the doujinshi if that's okay? I've been asked how many pages the project will be and I wanted to put it in a post where it's clear and can be read by all.


How many pages?

My aim is around 20-24. To complete this, what I'd like to do is have a title page (colored). The following page will be this same image but in greyscale, then the content of the doujin which as mentioned will be around 24 pages. Then I'll have around 4 or so additional pages of sketches and other assorted drawings (I've seen this in other doujin works and I really like this!). Then I will have a page or two which will be a Special Thanks of sorts which will list your Patreon usernames (although I can display these any way you so choose, or you can opt out if you wish - I shall ask you about this nearer the time its being put together). The Special Thanks is literally to say thank you to everyone that has pledged to the project and to show my gratitude.  

How will the doujinshi be accessed?

I'm going to upload the entire work (as mentioned above) on DropBox and/or other similar services. It'll be in order from title page, opening page, the actual doujin, artworks, special thanks etc. You'll be able to download this as a zip file or download the individual pngs as you so choose. 

It's been brought to my attention that it's currently difficult to access the completed pages of the doujin that have been made so far. I will therefore be finding a better way to archive these for you so they're easily accessible. 

Providing something I'm satisfied with and want to publish

The completed pages I've been putting out are most likely the final versions of each of the pages. However there is always the possibility that when the project is complete, I may go back and add some additional details here and there where appropriate or correct some mistakes. For example, the way in which I draw Kale currently is slightly different to how I started drawing her (mostly as I was getting used to using screentones etc). If I feel the characters don't look consistent across the comic then maybe I'll make adjustments. So while what I've released is *probably* the final versions of the pages, you may see adjustments yet. 

Don't worry about this though. I'm not going to delay the rest of the project just to make minor changes. I'm getting the entire thing done first before I go back and make any small revisions (if I do at all). 

Also, I want to look into a way to make this available via other means. Such as if there is a possibility of making a printed version that I can supply so you can physically have it in your hands. That's an idea that I have that would be really freaking cool to be honest. Maybe I can also sell it at conventions in person. 

I will be asking for your help and contributions during this project, especially after Page 10 is complete

A lot of you come here for the content and that's totally fine, but I am open to suggestions also and welcome feedback. Recently I asked for some additional direction with Page 7, and a lot of you gave some very good ideas which I'm currently taking into consideration in the making of the page. 

After Page 10 is complete, I shall be asking you more questions on what you'd like to see in the bulk of the Caulifla x Kale x Cabba x Kefla interactions etc. I want to make sure you have your say on what you want to see after the initial set up is complete. So be aware that I may be asking you to get involved soon (only if you want to, of course!). 

Again, if you don't want to submit ideas and are happy to read what comes out, thats totally fine too!

What are your plans following the doujinshi?

I'm 7 pages in and so far this has been an amazing confidence booster and has really helped me improve my skills. This is something I've always wanted to do and with each page I'm honestly trying really hard to make something nice. I'm putting my best effort in. 

And so following it's completion I really think I'll be in a good place to start looking at other doujinshi projects that could follow. 

I will be asking for feedback from you all as to what you'd like to see. But some ideas for now include something based on Android 18, Gine, Launch, or maybe something with Cauli and Kale again. Maybe something non-DB, we'll see (but it'll ultimately be what you would like to see). Basically following this I'd like to do another doujinshi as I feel its a good long term investment for this Patreon and I think it's what people would like to see. And it dramatically helps me improve and is something I very much enjoy doing!


I'm so sorry for the super long post but I hope maybe that clears up some questions for you.

I will soon be putting together a better means of archiving the completed pages that are available right now so that they are easily readable and you don't have to sift through a ton of stuff to find what you want. 

I'm also drawing Kale currently for panel 1 of Page 7 and I hope to have that up really soon too. I know I'm not particularly fast, but I hope the quality of my work makes up for it. 

Take care, I'll talk to you real soon!



Your so dedicated to your project, it's so awesome. This is so great that you are following this comic you always wanted to do. I can't support on Patreon but I can give you all my hopes that all this will turn out great in the end👍🏾