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At last its here! 

About two months ago I began working on this, only to get ill and be unable to work for all of April and May. I was never really happy with the original idea I had. You can see this here:

And a variation on the same idea:

So when I was finally over my illness, I wanted to  re-do the piece with a better pose and just a better drawing overall, which is what I released last week. To make up for the long wait it's taken, I decided to color it!

Coloring this piece has taught me a LOT and I'm sure future drawings are going to be better as I get even more used to using color. 

I hope you like it! Should be a sign of things to come!

$10 Patrons shall have access to both the CLIP file containing the lineart and the CLIP file containing the colored version tomorrow. I am quite exhausted from hours and hours of this piece so I will be back tomorrow with those files ^_^.

Thanks so much everyone, and take care!



Matt R

Very nice stuff


It's pretty good for someone who has only just started using colors. Where it's really noticeable in my opinion is on the outfit and leggings