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So I've been working hard on Page 11 of the doujinshi trying to come up with ideas and honestly, I'm having a bit of a mental block on how to lay out the page. So in the meantime I did a sketch of Benten from Urusei Yatsura (which is a really good anime by the way, totally recommend checking it out if you like Ranma, or comedy or romance). Benten is very much like Caulifla, so obviously I like her!

Page 11 will be here really soon, as soon as I have a concrete layout for what I want to do. I don't want to rush it, so please keep that in mind. 

Anyway I hope you can enjoy this for now. Apologies again but as soon as I'm over my block, I'll put Page 11 up. 



Matt R

Ah Benten, definitely one of the best characters in the series. Would definitely be cool to see the rest of the gals from UY like Oyuki, Sakura, Ran etc.


Definitely. Ran is a favorite too, as well as Ryuunosuke. Currently on episode 69 or so and hoping there's way more of Benten to come, as well as Ten's mommy finally = ).