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Hello everyone! 

With a New Year comes reflection, and I just want to tell you that you're all great and you can achieve anything you wish to achieve. It takes a lot of effort and hard work but you can do it! I believe in you! 

I also want to say thank you. Patreon keeps me motivated to work hard and it means the world to me that you're all so supportive. Thank you!

Now I wanted to let you know some... resolutions I have for 2019. Some things I want to work on, and what you should expect to see. At the close of the year, we should be able to check these things off. They're all quite meaningful to me, so I intend to do them = ). 

Goal #1: Complete the Dragon Ball Doujinshi

Page 3 is in the works right now and you should be receiving it soon if you are on the appropriate tier ($5+). Based on other Doujins I've read over the years, I am aiming for around 22 pages of content. Once this has been completed, I'm going to look into physical options. Obviously until it's completed I can't move forward with that, but it's most important to me the project is completed. 

I will finish these rough pages first, and then of course return to each to add the final lineart and make sure they're presentable. This is a passion project, and I'm going to expect nothing but quality from myself... so I will make sure you get the best I can possibly do. This isn't just for me, but for you. It's a community project afterall = ). 

Goal #2: Return to Animation, Anime OP?

Earlier this year I was working on a Slayers animated OP. I'm a huge fan, so I wanted to see if I could make my own anime opening. It's my first major animated project and one I want to return to. Please see here:


(Unfortunately I was only able to work on some Key Framing and around this time I moved focus to Patreon, so that is why it isn't yet fluid)

I have a song from Megumi Hayashibara (Lina's voice actress, Jesse from Pokemon, Rei Ayanami, Faye from Cowboy Bebop etc...) to be applied and tons of ideas. Again, another passion project. Actually, when I complete it, I'm going to show it to Rui Araizumi who is one of the writers and artists behind Slayers. So suffice to say, I'm going to try my best.

Goal #3: Create a Hentai Short

So continuing with animation in mind, I want to make a hentai animation. More so than gifs, although I could do those too. I am thinking a full on animation... similiar to something you'd see on adult sites > . >;...

They probably would be original characters, so maybe I'd be asking you for some of your contributions there. So if you had an OC you wanted involved, perhaps we could make that happen. Or even if you wanted it to involve your favorite existing characters or series, we could do that. 

I think this one would be more realistic if I were to hit a nice stretch goal. So let's hope this Patreon can grow enough to make it happen!

Goal #4: Think about creating an anime OVA

I'm talking about a traditional 30 minute OVA that you'd more commonly see in the 80s or 90s. Something with a lot of heavy detail, lots of shading, and passion. I have no idea what the content would be, but current ideas are something that would perhaps involve space drama. The OVA would have Japanese voice acting and subtitles, music and songs. This would be particularly expensive to pull off, but is definitely something I've always wanted to do. It may not be possible this year, but the planning can certainly begin (again if this Patreon grows enough to accomodate it). 

Goal #5: The Main One - Creating Works that you enjoy!

None of my goals above really matter unless I'm doing things that you like. And because you support me, I want to support you also. So here is some feedback I gathered from a previous post I made, asking what you would like to see:

"Non dragon Ball characters and also the other dragon ball girls:)" - ForTheYosoro

"Non-Dragonball characters and some yuri is always appreciated. Though, I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more 21, especially good Majin 21. Lum from Urusei Yatsura too." - Matt

"As long as there is Caulifla, Kale and Kefla I am happy. 😍" - Reeves

"I'd like it if you expanded your cast of DBZ girls and girls from other series. And more sex scenes. Futa is entirely up to the rest of your fanbase as I know it's not for everyone." - Nick

So, these are things I'll be working on as my main goal. Expect to see more DB girls like Bulma, Chichi, 18, 21 and including Cauli, Kale and Kefla as before. More sex scenes, more color. More non-DB characters (Lum is someone I've been wanting to draw for a long time actually, Matt). If you want futa, I can do futa. Let's really expand this thing!

You're free to leave more suggestions of course, but I want you to know I am listening and I intend to make things you want to see. That is my ultimate goal. 

Have a great New Years Day everyone! I hope this Patreon can grow bigger and we can do all these things. For now though, have a great time!

Take care and thank you as always <3!



You'll achieve all your dreams with that attitude! Can't wait to see finished doujin and love to see more animation:))


I wish what you can do it this goals LUCKY