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Sooooo here's an idea for the cover I have. I like it. Not sure if this it what I will take to the end yet. Will likely draw some more ideas first!

It's very likely I'm going to be asking you guys to name our Doujinshi, so try to think up some sexy names for something involving the Saiyan Girls. This will likely happen at the end of the project, once you've seen the actual contents of the manga. 

I will however be asking you to vote on which cover we will go with. So make sure you're able to vote ($5+) to make your voice heard! Big thank you to EVERYONE who has pledged of any amount. Your support means the world to me, thank you from the bottom of my heart! 

Lets make something sexy!

More images coming soon!!




I'm really liking this so far as well. Not a bad start if I do say so


Thanks, that really means a lot! I'll have to think what to do for the next idea. I need to try and get Kefla in on the action too. Hmm...


I love this choice #1 <3 I may have a future title for this Doujinshi, "The legend of" Sadala ", for a prodigious and legendary fuck!" It sounds good I think. XD