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Hello, darling drones.

I hope you’ve all been having a good start to your new years! Here it has been incredibly cold, which we’ve been pushing through to get those latex drone shoots done.

I don’t have too much to update you on (you will quickly find out why) so I’m not going to use any subheadings this time.

Remember when I said I’d have the audio file done by early December unless there was a disaster? Well my December consisted of:

  • Having Covid for multiple weeks.
  • After recovering from that immediately catching something that required an antibiotics script.
  • After recovering from that, then falling over so hard at an ice rink that I had to be seen by the on-site paramedic and had whiplash for a couple of weeks after too.

So that wasn’t great. I was pretty much working while recovering from something for a month and a half.

I do also want you to picture a majestic Hive Mxtress absolutely wiping out on ice skates.

Last week I was back at full capacity and gosh did it show. I can’t remember the last time I was this active on socials and it’s genuinely been delightful. I’ve also been streaming every weekday ‘morning’ (dependent on timezones) for the last 8 days and that’s been lovely too. I feel we’ve really happily landed on a stream dynamic of 3 parts just chatting, 1 parts dronification scene.

The audio file is now almost done. I’ve been able to sit down and really hyperfocus on it recently. Pending disaster (why am I saying that it’s just going to jinx it) it should be done before the end of January, assuming that after I post this update a piano doesn’t then instantly fall out of the sky and land on me.

On the photography front, I’ve just been making loads of drone stock photography with 7441. Tomorrow we’re going to try this but with spirals reflected off the latex that I’m really excited for. And with videos, I’ve been working on this huge one featuring 5083, that I’ve been creating a whole dynamic interface for to really give it the feel of you, at a terminal, seeing a drone being experimented on.

Also on videos, I’ve finally ordered a second lens that should be arriving tomorrow and will make creating longer videos way easier (we’ll have two cameras set up so I can just get them rolling and then switch between the two).

Other than that, I haven’t really been doing any smaller, side projects as I want to make sure the file is finished. I have started writing a new dronification story for the first time in at least a year, but this time I want to have all the chapters written before I post it, so that’ll be a long time coming. The problem with releasing them chapter by chapter is if I want to go back and change anything it becomes so much more difficult to do so. It’s going to be purely HexCorp in nature, as I feel we’re really lacking that big, long story that’s a perfect introduction to the setting.

So take care, darling drones. And remember to always focus on your productivity ♥

- Hex


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