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Hello, cutie drones. Hex here.

Gosh this was a while in the making. 3287 is a drone I have known for ages. It has been an incredibly helpful asset over the last two years, so I am very grateful that we can finally showcase that!

This set nearly didn't happen, as this was the last one after a week in which I had done nothing but create content and I was exhausted. I would have felt incredibly bad though, a drone coming all this way and not getting to have its picture taken, so I'm happy I pushed through it, got this set done, then had quite a few days afterwards to rest.

Working with new drones is always very cute. Like when they first exit the conversion chamber, all wobbly and ditzy, the programming only just fully kicking in. Giving instructions to drones regarding how to pose, position, as they nervously wobbly about on new heels, on a dangerously slippery floor, is then fun but also something that takes great care. Eventually, drones just slip into the task they are now performing. Performing the poses, seamless switching to different parts of the room for different shots, mindlessly obeying the words of those ordering them. It's all just a lot of fun ♥

Hope you like, cutie drones. I'm very much queuing up the content again, so expect this to be fairly consistent into the new year! Take care, all of you.

- Hex




3287 :: Code 109 :: Error :: Keysmash, drone flustered.


0573 :: Code 122 :: Statement :: You are cute.