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Hello, cutie drones. Hex here.

This was the last set we did on a Saturday where I spent 8 hours doing nothing but taking photos. We ended this one because I realised at the end that I had exerted so much energy that I could no longer get myself off the floor. Photography takes a surprising amount out of you, especially when your shot of choice involves lying on the ground and using your feet to push yourself about to get different angles.

Something interesting to notice here which pops up in my work from time to time is the change in colour over this set. This is a mistake I sometimes make that I'm unaware of until after the set, where I turn the softboxes on and immediately start shooting. It actually takes them a couple of minutes to build up to their brighter, more white glow, and before that they're significantly more yellow, which is why there's the discolouration!

Here, 7441 is posing on the bench we use for reasons you will see in the next set (TL;DR, we already had it set up and so we repurposed it as a padded throne).

Recently, 7441 has been getting dom feelings from wearing this particular number, so we're enjoying playing into that! It's also significantly easier to put this on than the transparent catsuit, so we'll be doing lots of smaller concepts around this for the foreseeable future! (I just happen to have some purple rope that I think will suit this look too...)

Also, the next set that I'm posting is huge and is what we did for the other section of that Saturday, so this will take me a while...

Hope you enjoy, cutie drones!

- Hex



⬡-Drone 4126

4126 :: code 110 :: Statement :: Addressing: Drone 7441. code 122: Statement :: You are cute.