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Hello, cutie drones and those who never pick up their phones/are immune to subliminal binaural mind control. Hex here.

I haven’t written one of these in a little bit, but now that I currently have a few projects in the works I figured it would be worth a grand update on everything that’s been going on!

(I’m also currently hunkered down in a bunker (aka my basement) while the UK heatwave makes my bedroom unbearable, which somewhat limits the work I can do for the next two days)

First things first, photography. I currently have two sets that I need to finish editing and another two on top of that that need posting. I also have 6 potential collabs lined up over the coming months alongside the usual culprits I tend to work with. I may well be posting photosets outside of the drone theme, just as I work with new people and understand how they work too, but I will always be taking pictures of latex whatever the case.

Later today I’ll be posting pictures of 7441 in its black and purple assassin attire, I am just waiting for my room to cool before doing so.

In terms of video, I’ve been doing a lot of storyboarding with 4138 and 7441 to capture a full scene. We’re planning something simple to begin with before moving onto more complex endeavours. A lot of the issues we were facing with making video have now been overcome, the only one we really have remaining is getting the audio quality up to par!

Then we have side projects!

Something I’ve always been keen on is making the HexCorp website into a rabbit hole you can just lose yourself, similar to a wiki site for a new special interest. I love the idea of pages then linking you to other pages as you just consume all this info about this world of identical drones and industrial mind control. I’ve recently kicked off a pretty big site development, currently hidden away, designed to add other factions to the HexCorp world that will all interlink.

Right now I’m working on two, Order of our Rubber Devotion (aka rubber nun drone stuff) and h.exe (I was supposed to be doing these one at a time, I just wasn’t expecting my silly Fallout 4 mod to take off quite as well as it did). When these do officially launch, I’ll be posting them here too. h.exe does already have one page, though this is just for the mod: https://www.hexcorp.net/mindless-hexie

I’m also currently working on files! I’ve recently recorded my part in a dronification collab that should be out soon, and I’m currently sorting the finishing touches onto a file based around h.exe taking over.

And then in a last, small update, I’m still working on making the stream into more and more of a light, interactive, hypnotic experience.

Anyway, hope you’re all managing to stay cool, dear drones, and take care!

- Hex



Definitely hyped about all the projects you're doing at the moment. I'm sorry that it's not very convenient for you to do this now because of the heat. But we hope that the heat will subside soon.


Good luck


The heat will be over soon! Then I look forward to getting this all finished.