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Hey cutie drones. Hex here.

Firstly, a big thank you to drone 0666 for lending us its sleepsack! It has proven to be very useful.

This is the first time I've posted a set here that took us two attempts. It's probably really obvious why (we made a very silly mistake after planning this and preparing this fully) but in case you missed it ::

We put the drone in the sleepsack the wrong way round.

Thing is though, having me looming over a drone and staring down into its visor as I gradually zip it up and seal its fate is /such/ a good look. So I am glad for this little blunder. I'm such a fan of people and/or assets being sealed into thick rubber gradually, then being left to squirm as they come to grips with their predicament.

Speaking of predicament, here's a short clip of it :: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gOkOQsSUX1wM35hrxHcx9kq8VM33Mgp3/view?usp=sharing 

(Note :: If the above vid isn't working or you're being denied access, it might be because you're using the Drive app. It's been causing weird issues lately. Hopefully they'll be resolved soon.)

So I hope you enjoy, cutie drones! We also did some puppysuit stuff on this day too with a cage, so I'm going to get to work editing that up now also!

Take care in your own li'l storage containers <3

- Hex




0573 :: 109!!! This unit recently got to put 3773 into storage for an hour using a straitjacket and a walk-in closet, and used that time for reprogramming 3773


Gosh! I also have closets big enough to do that, but they're currently filled with so much equipment it would take me an age to empty them. Maybe I should just fold a drone up and put it in the latex box anyway...