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Hello, cutie drones. Hex here.

This is the first set of a few that I'm uploading today. I've been really busy juggling getting through editting all of these, but I'm finally happy enough to start posting!

5502 and I have been wanting to do this set since around September of last year, but it took us this long to finally meet up and get it done. Gosh it has such a good, unique look with that catsuit design, and that helmet especially. It's also always fun working with someone new for the first time and us figuring out how we're going to work together, as both participants will always bring something new that the other didn't know to the table.

Unfortunately, with this set, I've decided that I'm not going to be posting some of the pics due to featuring gun content. This includes all of the pictures where we got some really cool lighting in place. In future I'm just going to avoid having any firearms in shot as even without recent events it can be a sensitive subject.


I've added the gun photos to a folder on Drive that can be accessed here :: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1a17LcvliacaSgECXsoaMPN5YeRN0Vs8q?usp=sharing perhaps obvious but CW for firearms on that!

That said, I hope you really enjoy these, and I'm looking forward to working more with 5502 in future!

- Hex




0573 :: This unit does not wish to see material with firearms, but would it make sense to have a separate post that is CW'd to host all of the firearms photos? Or some way to otherwise share with those would enjoy it


Thank you for the suggestion. Let me add them to a private folder, then edit the post to include a link to it. I think going forward I'll still avoid this content as it lacks that universal appeal, but in this instance this should be okay.