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Hello, cutie drones. Hex here.

So this was never intended to be a set! We took a lot of video around this specific premise (which I am still in the process of editing up because gosh it's a complex idea) and we figured we would just take a handful of pics on the side. Turns out these pics are pretty okay!

The idea behind this is employees need scheduled reconditioning to keep them focused and on task, and who better than to enforce this schedule than an enforcement drone? In the video, we get out the VR headset and make sure our employee here is as empty as possible.

Here's a preview ::

(note :: Trin/7441 isn't acting here. We happened to pick a day where she was particularly out of it. The moment we started her brain went out like a light. She didn't actually realise how much she was drooling.)

I hope you like this li'l set, cutie drones. I look forward to getting the final video done soon as well!

- Hex

