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Hello, cutie drones and those of you who are going to be opening very surprising presents this holiday season. Hex here.

My, what a year we are bringing to a close. This year has definitely been life changing for me. It's also been life changing for all those people we fed into the dronification chamber.

I wanted to start this newsletter off by talking about the new HexCorp Conversion Facility! If you've seen it already, we have a new page on the site where we are now housing subjects to be converted: https://www.hexcorp.net/conversion-facility 

This concept is very much inspired by a old art project known as 'The Chainsman Institute', a site that shut down over a decade ago but its archive is still available to explore here: https://www.deviantart.com/arnie00/art/Chainsman-Institute-722820040 

That site is very nostalgic for me, but I'm also aware it's now quite outdated.

One of the most fascinating elements of the above project was always how collaborative it felt. It was a world building exercise which regularly hosted events and encouraged others to take part. It then had the different wards where characters were stored in cells to be examined, which was a really lovely way of bringing multiple people into the experience. Its this latter idea which I've really taken to heart, and where the concept for the conversion facility has come from too.

(I'm also still building this 'tour of HexCorp' section for the site which is directly inspired by The Chainsman Institute. I almost have the first tour ready, the conversion facility will then integrate into the second tour)

I pitched this idea only three days ago to PlasmaDragon, whose new job title must surely be 'HexCorp Conversion Facility Artist'. I am astounded by the turn around time of this project. Huge props to Plasma for working so hard on this, and being a delight to have as a partner in crime too.

Also, due to popular demand, I've now made a list of what the conversion strategies are. Feel free to take a look! https://www.hexcorp.net/conversion-strategies 

In terms of upcoming work, I have a photoset almost ready to post and a outfit on the way to make something seasonal (it's absolutely a sexy santa costume). In my video endeavours, I now have a 7 minute video of me squirming in a straijacket for me to experiment with (I am very dominant) and I have some voice added to that previous video that you can view below.

CW: Binaural beats.


So I'm looking forward to a happy holiday season filled with HR-mandated cheer! Time for some Organised Fun, cutie drones.

- Hex



8480 :: That video is just awesome, it does wish it was longer though! Still! It still finds that lovely to watch over and over and... over.... and... over..... ag....ain.......


Noted, little drone. Next time we'll see how long I can swing a pendulum for... and we'll see how deep you can go for me.