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Hello, cutie drones. Hex here.

So this is a slightly larger photoset than I usually post.

Yesterday, after we had prepared the set and I was all ready to begin, a package arrived. A package I was expecting to take another couple of weeks. This suit fits like a dream, so we then spent the next three hours taking photos of it.

For that entire time I never took off any of the latex or the gas mask, keeping me fully sealed in. I was just having such a delightful time, revelling in it, that I didn’t even notice. The only reason we had to take breaks is because the headset kept running out of battery and glitching (it changes colours all by itself when it starts to run low, very bad headset).

Gosh how I love feeling powerful.

This isn’t even the full thing, I later put on a red shirt to do a Helltaker variant that I’ll be posting too. In total we took close to 1,000 photos.

For anyone wondering, being fully sealed into a drone suit for that period of time is exhausting and exhilarating. It really puts you in a different mindset (though mine might be slightly different from the average, obedient drone’s). We can highly recommend trying it out.

So I hope you enjoy this, little drones.

- Hex




2460 :: So, so, so very incredibly powerful dfjhjfdgjdj


Oh dear, 2460 is glitching from merely being within my presence. It's almost like I programmed you to be weak to me or something.


How successful is it at that as the Hive Mxtress grips its shoulders and looks over at its monitor to make sure it's working hard?