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Hello, cutie drones. Hex here.

Drone 0024 came to visit and I made sure to make good use of it before storing it away.

So this is a slightly bigger photoset than usual. With a lot of this I was really experimenting with lighting placement, which is why the levels and the shininess change so much throughout. I also really wanted to take this chance to shine said drone up as much as possible.

For reference, this is drone 0024: https://twitter.com/skye_Dr0ne_/ A wonderful HexCorp asset. You might recognise it as the drone I took pictures of two and a half years ago for my first photos! You can draw a direct comparison between this set and this tweet here https://twitter.com/HexLatex/status/967799837604352003 it's the same corner of my room and everything.

It is so, so cute telling it to deactivate and watching it slump over. What a useful ragdoll.

Thing to consider in future are eliminating as many shadows as possible, but this is tricky to do when there's so many set pieces to consider! Still, I strive to make these pictures look as good as possible, so if I need to double the number of lights I'm using then so be it.

I hope you enjoy, cutie drones. This drone and I will still be taking some more photosets this week, which will probably be coming out in September. I really want to put it into the VR Brainwashing Chamber to see what happens.




Carmia (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-20 17:10:18 It is an absolutely adorable drone! <3
2020-08-25 19:05:01 It is an absolutely adorable drone! <3

It is an absolutely adorable drone! <3


Isn't it just? I'll tell it you said so when I let it out of its pod.


I also adore those boots... though it does make this drone almost as tall as me when it wears them and I can't be having that.