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Hello, cutie drones and those still clinging onto their identities. Hex here.

So, another month begins! I wanted to lay out quite clearly what content we'll be delivering over the next 31 days. I don't have an exact timetable of which ones I want to do first, but I know that these are the things that I really want to get completed.

May Photoset

For this month, the winner was the Goth Ballgown option! Expect pictures of myself looking sinister and regal all at the same time. I'm also currently experimenting with potentially taking more selfies and videos, so that potentially I can take a selfie every day this month (hence the picture above). That sounds like an endeavour but it's not like I'm leaving the house anytime soon.

Story: Long Trip

Instead of Cerebral Exchange every week, I'm currently writing something significantly longer. The premise is an agent on an infiltration mission who accidentally gets herself locked into a shipping container filled with deactivated drones. I'm sure none of us have any idea how that will resolve itself.

Hypno File: Drone Testing and Maintenance.

This I'm actually really excited about because it's coming together so nicely! This will be an audio file which is designed to test that a drone is operational. It will be an audio hypnosis file, which won't plant any triggers but will be designed to allow the listener to experience being an obedient drone. I think making this its own standalone file is a good first concept for a first file. I'm really looking forward to when it's done.

Bonus: HexCorp Chrome Extension Update

I put this as a bonus as the further additions I can make to the extension are endless. For now I really just want to get a control panel which adjusts the severity into place. That way it can be used by everyone all the time. You'll have no excuse not to be constantly brainwashed by us.

And this will be my main focus for this month! I really want to make May a productive month, despite some world circumstances that might be bearing down on that. Us drones are programmed to constantly work after all.

I hope you're all doing okay, cutie drones. Stay safe.



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