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November 2020 Poll Winner.


Sorry for the irregular updates lately. Work has been pretty killer. Managed to get some stuff ready here for a last minute update for this month.




I was wondering how this one would turn out when I saw it in the docket. I'm a say I am a little surprised I was expecting something a little different. However I love it! It's beautifully done!


My head I was envisioning the boat and Risky very much as they are, however Shantae would be looming in the background pre-cum leaking from her dick. Shantae having an evil grin on her face as she contemplates punishing the pirate.


As of right now I would love to see a follow-up to this though it's not necessary that it be made a priority or anything like that. "Shantae sleep orgasm! Whiskey and her crew gets the team rocket treatment courtesy of the pure white knock-upstream."