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Small update. I had a bit of a point where I ran out of steam for drawing and I ended up taking a bit of a unplanned break last week so I apologize. Hopefully I'm refilled on creative juices.

I'd like to ask those who have requested sketches to be patient and wait a bit longer as I get back into the motion of things. I haven't forgotten your requests and I will get to it eventually.

Edit: Thank you to those who showed support in the comments below.



It may sound trite, but take the time you need, as its way more important you not get burned out and discouraged, that neither your art nor your enjoyment in making it suffer, then any of us wait a little longer.


Everyone needs a break once in awhile ^^ please feel free to tell us if you ever feel that you are in need of one, we all fully understand and appreciate the effort and qaulity you put in to your work!


No worries, looking forward to what’s to come.


Not a problem good sir! I'm amazed at the amount of images ya where bringing to us! Please look after ya self and take the time ya need to get back into the swing of things when ya ready. The lewds will be worth it when they come, no matter how long we wait ^^


Hey no problem! Everyone need a break every once in awhile, and id rather you take a break then break down. So if it help when you finally do finish my sketch, you can use this months payment as a nice tip for all the amazing worj you have done and for all the times we have worked together! Hope you are feeling better and hope to talk to ypu soon.


Glad to hear you took a bit of time off, rather than working yourself to the bone. You deserve it! And thanks for letting us all know what's going on too!


It's cool, you've been working non-stop anyway