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Since the suggestions box isn't utilized, I have been thinking to change the reward into a non-cleaned up sketch request per month. 

These would be on par with my primaries/drafts and I would spent no longer than 1 hour on each. (Therefore the more complex the idea, the less detailed and more rough it would be.)

Each $10 tier patron would get one request per month, and all you would have to do is be in the $10 tier and send me a private message with your request. Of course these requests would have to comply with my restrictions list (check my introduction for that).

This poll is to gauge if anyone is interested and would pay $10USD for a rough sketch. Of course those in the $10 tier for this month would be granted this reward if this idea goes through.

Check the downloads for rough sketch examples.




I have been doing some further thinking. I may offer the suggestion box at the $1 tier if I change the $10 tier. Since it has a random element, I feel like it would be more appropriate to have at a lower cost if you still want it around. Let me know what you think.