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Changelog: https://www.fenoxo.com/backers-brandymoo-moo/




How long til the Android version?


Hey, Fenoxo. Thanks for the update, and the recent cuntboy inclusion. I've been meaning to thank you for inspiring me and for pioneering the genre, really. It was your project CoC that inspired me to make a game of my own, so thank you for the idea. Your success and your Patreon give me hope that I too can make a fulltime job of my passion. You rock, man. Keep up the good work. And I have something private to discuss with you, if you have the time, so please PM me at your leisure.


So where would Sera's collar be obtainable at?


Are you sure it says its the same version i already have

Fenoxo Fenfen

Looks like it's there to me! <a href="https://puu.sh/vyFuz/ac1a1fe849.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://puu.sh/vyFuz/ac1a1fe849.png</a>

Crystal Poxon

Have you made sure you're signed into your patreon on fenoxo.com? I had this issue so I had to register, then link my patreon to see the backer's area


awesome new characters


Hey, don't know if I'm the only one with this problem, but hear me out. I know I'm doing the usual stuff I do for this game's new releases- click the link above, run in Chrome as a .SWF file, et cetera. Only when I try clicking the file to play the game, instead of starting it, the game tries downloading a copy of itself. Am I doing something wrong, and if so, what?


Just play it in Firefox, there's probably a way to play it on Chrome but i'm to lazy to figure it out.


Another option is to download the Flash Player from Adobe's website. You can play .SWF files with that app (available for Mac and Win so far as I know). Save data works fine and will transfer over to a new version of the game too.